21 True Love Love Poems

True Love Love

True love is a rose, with petals soft and fair

It blooms in the heart, and blossoms without compare

It’s a feeling so strong, it can lift you up or bring you down

But it’s worth the pain, for love is always found

True love is a fire, burning bright and true

It warms your soul, and sees you through and through

It’s a bond that cannot be broken, a love that will never die

It’s a love that will conquer all, and reach up to the sky

True love is a gift, from the heart and from above

It’s a treasure to be cherished, a never-ending love

So hold on tight to the ones you love, and never let them go

For true love is a rare and precious thing, that everyone should know

Dancing with Aphrodite

Dancing with Aphrodite, the goddess of love

Is a dream come true, a gift from above

Her beauty and grace, they take your breath away

Her presence, it fills you, it brightens your day

Dancing with Aphrodite, it’s a feeling of bliss

It’s a moment of magic, a moment of this

A love that’s divine, a love that’s pure

A love that’s beyond this world, for sure

Dancing with Aphrodite, it’s a dance of delight

It’s a chance to twirl and spin, to hold each other tight

To feel the love and passion, to feel alive

Dancing with Aphrodite, it’s a feeling that thrives

So let’s dance with Aphrodite, let’s let our hearts take flight

And let’s soak in the beauty, the love and the light

For dancing with Aphrodite, it’s a dream come true

It’s a love that’s beyond this world, it’s a love that’s new.

The Search

A frantic search, a race against time

You’re searching high and low, you’re trying to find

The missing piece, the key to it all

You’re looking everywhere, you’re trying to stand tall

You’re running through streets, you’re knocking on doors

You’re asking for help, you’re hoping for more

You’re trying to find a clue, a sign, a trace

You’re desperate to find it, to find the place

But no matter how hard you try, how far you go

You can’t seem to find it, you don’t know where to go

You’re at a loss, you’re feeling drained

You’re ready to give up, you’re feeling pained

But then you stop, you take a breath

You close your eyes, you calm your chest

And suddenly, it hits you like a wave

You realize what you were searching for, what you couldn’t save

Love. It was love all along.

Broken Glass

Walking over broken glass, it cuts and stings

It’s a painful task, it’s a difficult thing

But with true love by your side, you find the strength

To keep on going, to keep on walking at length

True love, it’s a shield that protects your heart

It’s a force that helps you stay strong and not fall apart

It gives you courage, it gives you hope

It helps you walk over broken glass, without a scope

True love, it’s a light that guides your way

It’s a love that never fades, it never strays

It’s a love that lifts you up, it gives you wings

To fly and soar, to rise above all things

So let’s keep walking, let’s keep moving on

Let’s let true love guide us, let’s let it be our dawn

And though the road may be rough, and the glass may cut

With true love by our side, we’ll find the strength to rise up.


With true love by your side, you feel weightless

Like you could float away, like you could drift and rest

My love, it lifts you up, it sets you free

It makes you feel alive, it makes you feel weightless

My love, it’s a breeze that carries you high

It’s a gust of wind, that lifts you to the sky

It’s a feeling of flight, it’s a feeling of joy

It’s a love that makes you feel weightless, oh boy!

My love, it’s a force that holds you steady

It’s a grip that’s firm, yet gentle and ready

To support you, to guide you, to keep you safe

My love, it makes you feel weightless, it’s a love that’s true and chaste

So let’s embrace this weightless feeling, let’s hold on tight

Let’s let our love lift us up, let’s take to flight

And let’s soar together, let’s rise up high

With true love by our side, we’ll never feel weighed down, we’ll never say goodbye.

Your story

I feel like my story is just beginning

With you by my side, my heart is winning

Your love, it gives me strength and courage

It fills me with hope, it gives me a new page

Your love, it’s a treasure, a rare and true thing

It’s a love that shines, it makes my heart sing

It’s a love that’s worth more than gold

It’s a love that’s worth more than anything I know

With you, I feel like I can conquer the world

With you, my future is bright, it’s unfurled

Your love, it’s a light that guides my way

It’s a love that will never fade, it will stay

So here’s to us, to our true love story

May it be filled with joy, with love and glory

May it be a tale that’s told with pride

May it be a love that lasts, deep inside.


I was once tarnished, a soul in despair

Feeling broken, beyond repair

But then you came, with your love so true

And you showed me the way, to start anew

Your love, it washed over me like a cleansing rain

It erased the stains, it eased the pain

It polished and shined, it brought me back to life

It gave me hope, it reduced the strife

Your love, it renewed and refreshed my soul

It made me whole, it made me feel whole

It gave me strength, it gave me purpose

It gave me meaning, it gave me a surface

So thank you, my love, for being by my side

And for showing me love, when I was tarnished inside

You have redeemed me, you have given me hope

You have brought me back, from the edge of the slope

Your love, it’s a treasure, a rare and precious thing

It’s a love that shines, a love that sings

It’s a love that’s worth more than gold

It’s a love that’s worth more than anything I know.

Your gold

Gold, a precious metal, rare and bright

It shines and glimmers in the light

A symbol of wealth, a treasure to hold

It’s worth more than any material thing, so we are told

Love, a precious feeling, rare and true

It shines and glimmers like the morning dew

A symbol of joy, a treasure to hold

It’s worth more than any material thing, so I’m told

Both gold and love, they share a common glow

A radiance that shines and flows

A brightness that warms and lights the way

A beauty that never fades or tarnishes, but stays

Both gold and love, they bring us delight

A happiness that fills us up inside

And though they may be hard to find

They are worth the search, they are worth the time

So let’s cherish gold and love, these precious things

For they bring us joy, they bring us wings

To fly and soar, to live and thrive

For they are worth more than anything else in this life.


Love is a joy, a fun-filled ride

It’s a feeling that fills us up inside

With excitement and wonder, it’s a thrill to behold

Love is a treasure, worth more than gold

Love is a game, a dance of delight

It’s a chance to laugh, to hold each other tight

To skip and spin, to twirl and sway

Love is a joy, it brightens our day

Love is a song, a melody sweet

It’s a tune that fills our hearts with heat

A rhythm that moves us, a beat that’s true

Love is a joy, it’s a wonderful feeling through and through

So let’s embrace love, let’s have some fun

Let’s let our hearts and spirits run

For love is a joy, a gift to be cherished

It’s a feeling that makes our lives flourish.

Love Love

True love love, a rare and precious thing

It’s a fire that burns, a joyous sing

It lifts us up, it sets our hearts ablaze

It fills us with hope, it lights the way

In true love love, there is no fear

No doubts or regrets, no need to tear

It’s a bond that’s strong, unbreakable, true

It’s a love that lasts, forever new

True love love, it’s hard to find

But when it comes, it’s worth the climb

It’s a treasure to be cherished and held dear

It’s a love that’s worth more than gold or any material thing here

So hold on tight to true love love, don’t let it slip away

Embrace it fully, let it brighten your day

For true love love, it’s the most beautiful thing

It’s a love that will make your heart sing.


My roses, oh my roses

So beautiful and true

Their petals soft and fragrant

In shades of pink and red and blue

I aim my arrow with precision

As steady as a rock

I let it fly with grace and ease

Toward the heart of my beloved

And when it strikes its mark

Oh, the joy it brings

For love is like an arrow

That flies on swift and sure wings

So here’s to my beloved

And here’s to my true love’s arrow

May it always find its mark

And our love forever follow



True love is a treasure,

A rare and precious find.

It fills our hearts with joy,

And peace of mind.

It lifts us up when we are down,

And helps us to believe.

That anything is possible,

And all our dreams can be achieved.

True love is a bond,

That can never be broken.

It gives us strength to face the world,

And every challenge unspoken.

So hold on tight to true love,

And never let it go.

For it is the most precious thing,

That we will ever know.



Truth in Love

Love is truth, a guiding light

That shines so bright and never fades.

It leads us to a better place,

Where everything is just okay.

Love is truth, an open door

That never closes, always true.

It brings us closer than before,

And shows us what we have to do.

Love is truth, a shining star

That guides us through the darkest night.

It shows us who we really are,

And helps us make everything right.

Love is truth, a guiding force

That fills our hearts with joy and mirth.

It gives us strength to stay the course,

And face the world with all our worth.

So hold on tight to love and truth,

For they are the most precious things.

Together they will lift you up,

And give your life a pair of wings.




Evidence of love is all around,

In the way the wind whispers through the trees.

It’s in the smile that lights your face,

And the way your eyes dance with glee.

Evidence of love is in the touch,

A gentle brush of hand on skin.

It’s in the way you hold me close,

And the way you let me in.

Evidence of love is in the words,

Softly spoken, filled with care.

It’s in the way you understand,

And are always there.

Evidence of love is in the moments,

The ones that take our breath away.

It’s in the memories we make,

And the things we do and say.

So hold on tight to evidence of love,

For it is a rare and precious thing.

It will guide you through life’s ups and downs,

And give your heart the joy it brings.



Never Tamed

True love cannot be controlled,

It flows like a river wild and free.

It follows its own course,

Unpredictable as the sea.

True love cannot be forced,

It blooms from the heart on its own.

It grows and thrives with tender care,

But never once is it shown.

True love cannot be tamed,

It resists all attempts to reign.

It breaks free from all boundaries,

And follows its own path again.

True love cannot be owned,

It is a gift that must be given.

It thrives in a place of trust,

Where it is free to live and live.

So let go of all control,

And let true love be your guide.

It will lead you to a place of peace,

And a love that can never hide.




Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty,

She who brings true love to all.

With her golden hair and radiant smile,

She enthralls.

She moves with grace and elegance,

Her presence commanding and true.

Her touch ignites a burning passion,

In all who come into view.

Aphrodite, a force to be reckoned with,

Her power and allure unsurpassed.

She brings true love to all who seek it,

And her love will forever last.

So if you find yourself in need of love,

Seek out Aphrodite’s guiding hand.

For she will lead you to true love,

And a love that will forever stand.





Wonder, a feeling we all know,

A sense of awe and mystery.

It fills us up and lets us go,

To a place of pure serenity.

Wonder, a gift that’s meant to be shared,

A moment of pure delight.

It brings us closer to those we hold dear,

And helps our spirits take flight.

Wonder, a source of endless joy,

A moment of pure elation.

It reminds us of the things we love,

And gives us a sense of true love’s creation.

So hold on tight to wonder,

And never let it fade.

For it is a precious thing,

That will forever be true love’s aid.



Love Pain

A pain that’s hard to bear.

It takes a toll on body and soul,

And leaves us feeling bare.

Bleeding, a sign of love that’s true,

A love that’s strong and pure.

It endures through thick and thin,

And never once is unsure.

Bleeding, a reminder of the cost,

Of love that’s fierce and bold.

It teaches us to value it,

And to never let it go.

So hold on tight to bleeding love,

For it is a love that’s true.

It will see you through the darkest times,

And bring healing that shines through.




Freya, goddess of love and beauty,

She who brings truth to all.

With her golden hair and radiant smile,

She stands tall.

She moves with grace and elegance,

Her presence commanding and true.

Her touch ignites a burning passion,

In all who come into view.

Freya, a force to be reckoned with,

Her power and allure unsurpassed.

She brings truth to all who seek it,

And her love will forever last.

So if you find yourself in need of truth,

Seek out Freya’s guiding hand.

For she will lead you to a place of light,

And a love that will forever stand.



True Hearts

True hearts beat as one,

A love that cannot be denied.

It fills our lives with joy,

And never once has lied.

True hearts are open wide,

Accepting and unafraid.

They give us strength to face the world,

And all the love we’ve made.

True hearts are pure and kind,

A love that shines so bright.

It guides us through the darkest times,

And fills our hearts with light.

True hearts are brave and strong,

A love that’s meant to be.

It stands the test of time,

And sets our spirits free.

True hearts are rare and true,

A love that’s meant to last.

So hold on tight to yours,

And make your love true and vast.



Love in Wounds

Pain, a wound that cuts so deep,

A feeling that’s hard to bear.

It takes a toll on body and soul,

And leaves us feeling scared.

But love, it has the power to heal,

To mend the wounds that pain has made.

It brings us comfort in the darkest times,

And helps our spirits to be unafraid.

Love, it is a guiding light,

A beacon shining bright.

It shows us the way to happiness,

And helps us to see the good in life.

So when you’re feeling pain and hurt,

Remember love’s powerful touch.

It will heal your wounds and mend your heart,

And give your spirit the strength it needs so much.