21 Angel Poems

Angel Michael

Angel Michael, shining bright

With wings of pure and holy light

A warrior at the gates of heaven

Defending all with love and might

Your sword of truth, a guiding force

Against the darkness and its source

Your strength and courage never wane

As you stand guard and set the course

Your love for all that is divine

Inspires us to be more like thine

Your spirit soars above the rest

As you fulfill your holy design

We thank you, Michael, for your grace

For leading us in the right place

For being a beacon in the night

And showing us the way to God’s embrace

Angel Gabriel

Angel Gabriel, messenger of grace

Your gentle voice fills every place

With words of hope and comfort true

You bring us news of things to come

Your wings, a symbol of your flight

As you soar through the endless night

Your message, a guiding light

That shines on all who seek the truth

Your love for all that is divine

Inspires us to be more like thine

Your spirit soars above the rest

As you fulfill your holy design

We thank you, Gabriel, for your love

For the peace you bring from above

For being a messenger of hope

And showing us the way to God’s love

Angel Raphael

Angel Raphael, healer of hearts

Your gentle touch imparts

Comfort and peace to all in need

Your love, a soothing balm indeed

Your wings, a symbol of your flight

As you soar through the endless night

Your presence, a guiding light

That shines on all who seek the truth

Your skills in healing body and soul

Are a gift to all, young and old

Your love for all that is divine

Inspires us to be more like thine

We thank you, Raphael, for your care

For the love you freely share

For being a source of hope and light

And showing us the way to God’s might

Angel Uriel

Angel Uriel, light of truth

Your radiance dispels all youth

Your wisdom guides us through the night

And brings us to the morning light

Your wings, a symbol of your flight

As you soar through the endless sky

Your knowledge, a guiding light

That shines on all who seek to learn

Your skills in understanding and insight

Are a gift to all, day and night

Your love for all that is divine

Inspires us to be more like thine

We thank you, Uriel, for your guidance

For the wisdom you impart in silence

For being a source of truth and light

And showing us the way to knowledge and insight

Angel Chamuel

Angel Chamuel, love divine

Your gentle touch is pure and kind

Your heart, a beacon in the night

That guides us through the darkest times

Your wings, a symbol of your flight

As you soar through the endless sky

Your love, a guiding light

That shines on all who seek to find

Your skills in bringing peace and harmony

Are a gift to all, you are our ally

Your love for all that is divine

Inspires us to be more like thine

We thank you, Chamuel, for your love

For the peace and harmony you bring from above

For being a source of light and hope

And showing us the way to love

Angel Jophiel

Angel Jophiel, beauty divine

Your radiance and grace entwine

To create a sight that’s truly rare

A sight that fills the heart with care

Your wings, a symbol of your mind

As you tour in the endless light

Your beauty, a guiding light

That shines on all who seek to find

Your skills in creating and inspiring

Are a gift to all, desire blazing

Your love for all that is divine

Inspires us to be more like thine

We thank you, Jophiel, for your art

For the beauty that fills the heart

For being a source of light and love

And showing us the way to the heavens above

Angel Raziel

Angel Raziel, keeper of secrets

Your knowledge and wisdom are vast and deep

You hold the keys to the mysteries of the universe

And reveal them to those who seek

Divine secrets, held within

Guarded by angelic kin

Their wings, a symbol of their flight

As they soar through the endless sky

Their knowledge, a guiding light

That shines on all who seek to learn

Their skills in understanding and insight

Are a gift to all, day and night

They preserve the mysteries of the universe

And reveal them to those who seek

Their love for all that is divine

Inspires us to be more like thine

We thank them for their guidance

For the wisdom they impart in silence

For being a source of truth and light

And showing us the way to knowledge and insight

Angel Zadkiel

Angel Zadkiel, mercy and grace

Your love and kindness have no trace

Of judgment or of wrong or right

You offer mercy to all in sight

Grace and mercy, shining bright

Illuminating the darkest night

Guiding us to love and understanding

Helping us to keep on standing

A gift from above, a beacon of light

Leading us to truth and insight

Helping us to forgive and to heal

And showing us the way to feel

Love and compassion, pure and true

Flowing from the heart, shining through

Inspiring us to be more like thine

As we strive to live divine

We thank the angels for their love

For the grace and mercy from above

For being a source of light and hope

And showing us the way to love

Angel Haniel

Angel Haniel, light divine

Guiding us with love and shine

Healing hearts with grace and care

Light, a shining beacon in the dark

Guiding us through the shadows and the ark

A symbol of hope and love and life

Bringing joy and peace and free from strife

Light, a source of warmth and energy

Illuminating all that it can see

A ray of hope in the darkest hour

A force that has the power

To lift us up and carry us through

To bring us to the morning dew

To show us the way to the path of light

And lead us to the end of night

So let us embrace the light within

And let it guide us to a life of kin

A life of love and peace and grace

A life in which we find our place

Angel Sandalphon

Angel Sandalphon, angel of song

Your voice is sweet and strong

Guiding us through the night

With melodies of light

Beautiful songs, a melody of love

Filling the air with a gentle shove

Of peace and joy and harmony

Bringing happiness to you and me

Songs that lift our spirits high

And help us reach for the sky

Songs that bring us to our feet

And make our hearts skip a beat

Songs that touch our very soul

And make us feel whole

Songs that soothe our troubled mind

And leave us feeling refined

So let us listen to the song of the angels

And allow their melodies to entangle

Our hearts and lift us up to the sky

As we listen to their beautiful lullaby

Angel Metatron

Metatron, angel of fire

Your wisdom and love never tire

Guiding us through the night

With your radiant light

Fire, a wild and untamed force

A source of heat and light, of course

But also a destroyer, if left unchecked

A danger, to be respected

But when contained and controlled

Fire can be a sight to behold

Warming our homes and cooking our food

Bringing us comfort and a good mood

Fire, a source of inspiration and light

A symbol of passion and energy bright

But also a reminder to be aware

Of its power and to show it care

So let us respect the fire within

And use it to our advantage and win

But also be cautious and keep it tame

And let its light continue to flame

Angel Ariel

Ariel, angel of the earth

Your love and care give us rebirth

Guiding us through the night

With your gentle light

Earth, our home and our delight

A place of beauty and of light

A place of wonders, great and small

A place for us to stand tall

Earth, a source of life and growth

A place for us to blossom and to show

Our love and care for all that’s living

And to keep on giving

Earth, a place of harmony and peace

A place for all to find release

From the troubles of the world outside

A place to run and hide

So let us embrace the earth within

And let it guide us to a life of kin

A life of love and peace and grace

A life in which we find our place

Angel Azrael

Azrael, angel of death

Your love and guidance never left

Those who have passed on to the other side

Forever in your loving, guiding light

Death, a natural part of life

A transition, free from strife

A release from suffering and pain

And a chance to be reborn again

Death, a door that we must pass through

A doorway to the great unknown, it’s true

But also a doorway to new beginnings

And the chance to spread our wings

Death, a time for us to say goodbye

To those we love and to those who have died

But also a time to celebrate their lives

And the memories and love that thrive

So let us embrace death as a part of life

And let it guide us through the strife

To a place of peace and love and grace

Where we can see our loved ones face to face

Angel Kerubiel

Kerubiel, angel of protection

Your love and care give us direction

Guiding us through the night

With your shining light

Protection, a shield from harm

A source of comfort and calm

A guard against the dangers of the world

A banner that is unfurled

Protection, a sign of love and care

A reminder that someone is there

To keep us safe and sound

And to keep our feet on the ground

Protection, a source of strength and might

A shield against the darkest night

A guardian angel, always near

To wipe away our doubts and fears

So let us embrace protection within

And let it guide us to a life of kin

A life of love and care and grace

A life in which we find our place

Angel Remeil

Remiel, angel of redemption

Your love and mercy are in constant motion

Guiding us through the night

With your shining light

Redemption, a journey from failure to success

A chance to rise above the stress

And to turn our mistakes into wins

And to let our light shine within

It’s not easy, to turn things around

But with hard work and determination abound

We can overcome the obstacles in our way

And find the strength to make a new day

Redemption, a path to self improvement

A journey of self-discovery and enjoyment

A chance to be the best that we can be

And to let our true selves be free

Angel Sareil

Sariel, angel of knowledge

Your wisdom and understanding never acknowledge

Limits, guiding us through the night

With your shining light

Gaining knowledge, a journey of the mind

A chance to leave the past behind

And to embrace the present and the future

And to let our hearts mature

It’s not always easy, to learn and grow

But with hard work and dedication, we can show

Our true potential and our desire to know

And to let our minds and hearts flow

Angel Selaphiel

Selaphiel, angel of the stars

Your guidance and light come from afar

Guiding us through the night

With your shining light

A ship captain navigating by the stars

Guided by their light, he travels far

Across the endless seas, through calm and strife

Trusting in the celestial map of life

The North Star is his faithful guide

Leading him through the darkest tides

The constellations, a trail to follow

A path to his destination, his dreams to hallow

The moon and the planets, they all play their part

In the captain’s journey, beat of his heart

The Milky Way, a ribbon in the sky

Guiding him home, as the night goes by

He trusts in the stars, to light his way

Through the unknown, come what may

For they have guided him, through countless nights

And will continue to, with their radiant light.

Angel Jegudiel

Jegudiel, angel of love

Your heart is pure, as bright as a dove

Guiding us through the night

With your shining light

The lovers meet for the first time

Their hearts beating in perfect rhyme

Their eyes locked in a loving gaze

As the world around them fades

The stars above twinkle and shine

As their love begins to intertwine

They feel a connection, deep and true

And they know, they were meant for each other, anew

They stand there, lost in each other’s embrace

As time and space fade from their place

They know, in that moment, they were meant to be

Together, forever, eternally

And so they stand, under the starlit sky

Their hearts beating, as their love begins to fly

A love that will conquer time and space

A love that will bring them to a higher place

Angel Barachiel

Barachiel, angel of blessings

Your love and care have no endings

Guiding us through the night

With your shining light

Counting blessings during hardship

Helps to keep our spirits up

It reminds us of all that we have

And gives us the strength to carry on

It’s easy to focus on the negative

When we’re facing difficult times

But if we take a step back and look

We’ll find that our blessings are fine

We may not have all that we want

But we have so much to be thankful for

Our health, our loved ones, our home

These are blessings that we cannot ignore

So let us count our blessings during hardship

And let them guide us through the dark

They will give us strength and hope

And help us to make a new start


Meeting an angel, a moment of grace

A moment of love and beauty, face to face

A moment of wonder and delight

As we bask in their shining light

An angel, a messenger of love

A being of pure, divine love

Their wings, a symbol of their flight

As they soar through the endless sky

Meeting an angel, a chance to be lifted up

A chance to feel the love, in a single touch

A chance to be inspired and to grow

And to let our own light start to show

So let us be grateful for the chance

To meet an angel, in a single glance

For the love and grace that they impart

And for the blessings that fill our heart

Angels, Poems, One

All the angels, connected as one

Their love and light, forever shining on

Guiding us through the night

With their shining light

Each angel, unique and divine

Bringing their own special love and shine

To the world, to all in sight

Inspiring us to be more like thine

Together, the angels form a chain

Of love and light, that will never wane

A chain that connects us all

And helps us stand tall

So let us embrace the angels within

And let their love and light begin

To guide us through the trials and strife

To a life of love, joy, and light