21 Christmas Love Poems

The Meeting

‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the town,

Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.

But my heart was a-flutter, my knees were weak,

For I knew that tonight, I’d meet my sweet.

We’d talked on the phone, and sent texts and emails,

But finally, finally, our meeting was real.

I walked through the snow, my heart overflowing,

Hoping this love, our love, would keep growing.

And then, in the distance, I saw her, my love,

Wrapped up in a scarf, with a smile like a dove.

She approached me with grace, and a twinkle in her eye,

And I knew then and there, this was where I’d belong, till the sky

We walked through the snow, our steps light as air,

Talking and laughing, and feeling so fair.

The snowflakes fell gently, a Christmas Eve treat,

As we whispered our love, and made our love complete.

So now, every year, on this special night,

We’ll walk through the snow, our love shining bright.

And remember the moment, that Christmas Eve so fair,

When we met and fell in love, and our hearts became a pair.

Ice Skate

Hand in hand, we step out on the ice,

The chill in the air, a welcome slice.

Our breaths turn to mist, as we glide on the rink,

Together, just us two, in perfect sync.

The sound of our blades, a harmonious beat,

As we swirl and we twirl, with grace and fleet.

The world around us, fades into the night,

As we skate, side by side, a beautiful sight.

Our laughter echoes, as we spin round and round,

The ice like glass, a frozen diamond crown.

And as we skate, our love grows even more,

In this frozen wonderland, we feel such roar.

So let’s hold each other, and never let go,

In this magical place, our love will only grow.

And as we skate, with every step we take,

We’ll cherish this moment, forever and always, for our love’s sake.


Through the snow-covered hills we glide,

The wind in our hair, our laughter outside.

With a gentle push, we take to the air,

Sledding down the slopes, without a care.

The crunch of the snow, a musical sound,

As we speed down the hill, a rush all around.

The thrill of the ride, a true delight,

As we make memories, on this wintery night.

The snowflakes fall, like a shower of love,

A Christmas wonder, sent from above.

And as we sled, our hearts overflow,

With joy and delight, that only snow can show.

So let’s hold on tight, to each other and the sled,

And let the sled take us, wherever it’s led.

And as we sled, through the hills of white,

We’ll cherish this moment, on this Christmas night.

Horse Drawn

We sit on the sled, as the horses pull us along,

Through the snow-covered fields, we glide to a song.

The clip-clop of hooves, a gentle beat,

As we glide through the snow, a magical treat.

The snowflakes fall, like a shower of love,

A Christmas wonder, sent from above.

And as we sled, our hearts overflow,

With joy and delight, that only snow can show.

The world around us, a wintery dream,

As we glide through the fields, it’s like a fairytale scene.

The horse’s breath visible, in the cold winter air,

And we sit snug and warm, without a care.

So let’s hold on tight, to each other and the sled,

And let the horses take us, wherever they’re led.

And as we sled, through the fields of white,

We’ll cherish this moment, on this horse-drawn night.


“Snowflakes dance from sky so high,

Bringing joy, oh, such delight!

Merry Christmas to all, with love,

Peace and happiness from above.”


“Christmas lights shining bright,

Filling the night with joy and light.

Family gathers, love prevails,

Peaceful wishes, warm hugs and tales.”


“Gift wrapped with love, so bright,

For those we hold dear, with delight.

Joyful smiles, laughter and cheer,

Merry Christmas, all is near.”


“Carols sung, with heart so true,

Telling the story, of Jesus’s birth anew.

Hope, peace and love in the air,

Merry Christmas, everywhere.”


“Christmas Eve, stars shining bright,

Warm cookies, milk, what a sight!

Santa Claus, on his sleigh so fast,

Bringing gifts, to make the day last.”


“Chestnuts roasting on an open fire,

Family and friends, with hearts so warm and dire.

Memories made, stories untold,

Merry Christmas, for young and old.”


“Jingle bells, ringing all day,

Joyful spirit, in every way.

Snowmen built, with twigs for arms,

Merry Christmas, with all its charms.”


“Peace on earth, good will to all,

Bringing hope, to big and small.

Bells ringing, with sweet refrain,

Merry Christmas, in every lane.”


“Nativity scene, with baby in a manger,

Telling the story, of love and stranger.

Wise men bringing gifts, with delight,

Merry Christmas, with all its light.”


“Silent night, holy night,

All is calm, all is bright.

Shepherds and angels, with joy so true,

Merry Christmas, and blessings to you.”


“Under the mistletoe, so green and bright,

A kiss is waiting, under the light.

Hand in hand, with love in sight,

We’ll steal a kiss, under the mistletoe tonight.

Lips will meet, with a tender touch,

Filling the air, with love so much.

Heartbeats fast, with joy so true,

A kiss under the mistletoe, just me and you.

With every kiss, love grows anew,

Making memories, just for me and you.

So let us stand, under the mistletoe,

And share a kiss, of love’s sweet glow.”


“Gingerbread houses, with icing so sweet,

Built with love, with children’s hearts beat.

Rolling pins, and cookie cutters too,

Making memories, that last the whole year through.

Candies and sweets, of every kind,

Making each house, look so divine.

Windows of sugar, with curtains so bright,

A warm and cozy home, for the holiday night.

In the kitchen, with laughter and cheer,

Building gingerbread houses, year after year.

With every creation, love grows and shines,

Making gingerbread houses, a family tradition so fine.

So let’s get together, with icing and dough,

And make gingerbread houses, that brighten the show.

For the joy it brings, is worth all the while,

Making gingerbread houses, that brings a smile.”

Winter Break

No more tests, no more homework to do,

Just time with family, and all the fun that’s due.

Snowmen to build, hot cocoa to drink,

With memories to make, that’ll last a lifetime I think.

Laughter and love, will fill the air,

With presents to open, and cookies to share.

Family and friends, gather near and far,

For the most wonderful time of the year, is who we are.

So let’s rejoice, and dance with glee,

For school’s out, and Christmas is finally free.”

Netfix and Chill

“On Christmas Eve, as the night grows still,

We snuggle close, on the couch, on a chill.

With the fire flickering, and a blanket so warm,

We lose ourselves, in a movie, with so much charm.

Your hand in mine, as we watch on the screen,

The world outside, no longer is seen.

We laugh and we sigh, as the story unfolds,

Lost in the magic, that love has told.

With every moment, we fall more in love,

Our hearts beating, as if they’re a dove.

And as the credits roll, and the movie ends,

We know that our love, with each other, transcends.

So let’s sit and watch, on this special night,

And cherish the moments, that feel just so right.

For being together, is the greatest gift of all,

On Christmas Eve, as we watch Netflix, and feel so tall.”

Ode To Chrismas

“Oh Christmas, with joy in your heart,

You bring laughter and love, from near and far.

With twinkling lights, and carols to sing,

You bring peace to the world, and joy to everything.

With gifts wrapped in love, and trees so bright,

You fill our hearts, with pure delight.

Chestnuts roasting, on an open fire,

Families gather, and memories aspire.

Oh Christmas, with snowflakes so white,

You bring wonder and magic, both day and night.

With hot cocoa, and gingerbread treats,

You fill our tummies, and make life complete.

Oh Christmas, with Santa Claus so kind,

You bring hope to children, and peace to our mind.

With each candle lit, and each carol sung,

You bring us together, as one big family, and make us strong.

So here’s to you, oh Christmas so bright,

With love in our hearts, and peace in sight.

We’ll cherish each moment, and hold you near,

For you are the reason, that each year is so dear.”


“A blizzard comes, with a roar and a howl,

Bringing snowflakes, that dance and twirl.

The winds so fierce, and the cold so chill,

It covers the world, in a blanket so still.

Trees bow low, under the weight of the snow,

And streets disappear, as the blizzard doth blow.

Windows rattle, as the wind doth whistle,

And we stay inside, to keep warm and nestle.

But even as the blizzard rages outside,

With roaring winds, and snowflakes that slide,

There’s a magic in the air, that warms our heart,

A reminder of the beauty, that a blizzard can impart.

So let us sit, and watch the storm,

And cherish the moment, that’s cozy and warm.

For the blizzard shall pass, and the sun shall shine,

And we’ll bask in the beauty, of the world, so divine.”


“The fire is crackling, and the room is aglow,

With laughter and joy, and love that doth flow.

Family and friends, gather near and so close,

With memories made, and love that doth grow.

The smell of the turkey, roasting in the oven,

With gravy and stuffing, that’s made with love given.

And as we sit down, at the table so grand,

We hold hands together, and give thanks for this land.

The children are giggling, and playing with glee,

As they tear open presents, under the tree.

With each box they unwrap, and each bow they untie,

Their eyes light up with wonder, and a smile reaches the sky.

So let us cherish, this moment so bright,

With family and friends, and love that shines so right.

For life is a gift, and these moments are gold,

And we’ll hold them forever, as memories to unfold.

So let’s raise a glass, and make a toast,

To the people we love, and the love that we boast.

For the holiday season, is truly the best,

With family and friends, and a love that is blessed.”