21 Poems About Sunsets

Tropical Sunset

The sun dips low in the sky,

A brilliant orange, a beautiful sight.

We sit and watch it, side by side,

A moment just us, away from the night.

We share a treat, a sweet delight,

A cone of shaved ice, so crisp and light.

With every lick, our love takes flight,

As we bask in this romantic sight.

The flavors swirl, a blend so bright,

A taste of summer, on this warm night.

We hold hands, and our hearts unite,

In a love that feels so right.

The sun sets, and the stars ignite,

A canvas of lights, so surreal and bright.

We cuddle close, and watch the night,

With a love that will forever be bright.


The sun that once shone so bright and bold,

Now sets on our love, a sight so cold.

A flame that flickered, now grown old,

A feeling that leaves my heart so low and so sold.

The warmth that once filled my heart with cheer,

Is now replaced by a cold and lonely tear.

The love that once felt so strong, so near,

Now feels distant, like it’s disappearing from here.

The days that once brought us so much bliss,

Now leave us feeling empty and in abyss.

The laughter that echoed, now a distant hiss,

The memories that once brought us so much happiness.

The sun that once lit up our sky,

Now leaves us in darkness, as it sets on by.

But even as it fades, I won’t deny,

The love that we shared, will always remain, and not die.

Hiding The Sunset

The goddess stood, proud and tall,

Her power over sun and moon, she would enthrall.

She whispered a spell, and the sun began to fall,

Veiling its light, at her command, it would stall.

The moon, so bright and full of grace,

Sought the sun’s warmth, to light up its face.

But the goddess, in her infinite space,

With a flick of her wrist, hid the sun from its place.

The sky turned dark, as the sun disappeared,

And the moon was left in a state of fear.

It searched and searched, but to no avail,

For the sun was hidden, beyond its trail.

The sunset came, and the world was still,

A darkness so deep, that no light would fill.

The moon wept, for its love it couldn’t fulfill,

For the goddess had hidden the sun, at her will.

But soon enough, the sun rose once again,

And the moon smiled, at the sight so bright and pure.

The goddess relented, and their love she didn’t restrain,

For the sun and moon, forever shall endure.

Sunset Time

The sunset, a beauty so grand and serene,

A painting in the sky, a masterpiece so supreme.

It brings us peace, it makes our hearts clean,

A symbol of change, a reminder of what has been.

Just like time, the sunset moves on,

It flows forward, it’s never gone.

It brings new light, a new dawn,

A cycle that never ends, always reborn.

The colors shift, from gold to red,

A spectrum of hues, spread out above our heads.

It tells a story, of life that’s been led,

Of moments passed, and memories kept.

Just like time, the sunset fades away,

A reminder that nothing lasts forever and a day.

But even as it sets, it brings a new display,

A promise of tomorrow, a brighter day.

So let us bask in the beauty of this hour,

A moment in time, like the sunset, so fair.

For both are gifts, given to us with power,

A treasure to hold, a memory to share.


I’ll always remember that summer night,

When we gathered ’round the fire, bathed in light.

Making s’mores, with family so bright,

Watching the sunset, a vision of sight.

The crackling fire, the smell of smoke,

The laughter and chatter, a soothing folk.

The sound of the waves, a soothing stroke,

A moment in time, that I’ll always provoke.

The sun set slow, in a brilliant blaze,

A fiery orb, that lit up the haze.

We watched in awe, in a dazed gaze,

A memory so dear, that will always amaze.

The marshmallows melted, and the chocolate dripped,

We shared stories, our hearts equipped.

With love and laughter, our spirits uplifted,

A bond so strong, that can never be rift.

I’ll always remember that summer night,

A moment so sweet, a pure delight.

With family and friends, so bathed in light,

Watching the sunset, a childhood sight.


Helios, the sun god of Greece,

Rode a chariot, across the seas.

His radiant light, a warm release,

Bringing life to all, with ease.

His journey, a cycle, so neat.


Surya, the sun god of India,

With his thousand rays, so divine-a.

He brings light to the world, so manic,

A symbol of wisdom, so classic.

His story, a legacy, so grand, oh-ya.


Ra, the sun god of Egypt,

His power, supreme, so correct.

With his boat, he sailed the sky, so adept,

Bringing life to all, with no neglect.

His journey, a cycle, so perfect.


Inti, the sun god of the Incas,

His warmth, a symbol, of peace and bliss.

With his rays, he blessed the masses,

Bringing light to all, with no backlash.

His story, a legacy, so vast, us.


Amaterasu, the sun goddess of Japan,

Her radiance, a symbol, of hope and span.

With her mirror, she lit up the land,

Bringing light to all, with her gentle hand.

Her story, a legend, so grand.


Sol, the sun god of the Romans,

His light, a symbol, of power and growth.

With his chariot, he rode the skies, so calm,

Bringing life to all, with his rays, so warm.

His story, a legacy, so bold.


Huitzilopochtli, the sun god of the Aztecs,

His power, a symbol, of war and intellect.

With his hummingbird, he flew, so perplex,

Bringing life to all, with his courage, so complex.

His story, a legend, so direct.


Xochiquetzal, the sun goddess of the Mayans,

Her beauty, a symbol, of love and fertility.

With her flowers, she blessed the land, so heavenly,

Bringing light to all, with her grace, so heavenly.

Her story, a legacy, so heavenly.


Tonatiuh, the sun god of the Mexicas,

His power, a symbol, of sacrifice and wealth.

With his jaguar, he ruled the skies, stealth,

Bringing life to all, with his rays, so stealth.

His story, a legacy, so stealth.


Shamash, the sun god of the Babylonians,

His justice, a symbol, of truth and equity.

With his flames, he lit up the skies, so serene,

Bringing life to all, with his rays, so keen.

His story, a legacy, so supreme.

The Library

In a library, where the sunsets reside,

A place of magic, where dreams collide.

An endless sea of colors, so bright,

A treasure trove of memories, so light.

I wander through its halls, in awe,

So many sunsets, I’ve never seen before.

Each one unique, with its own lore,

A story waiting, to be explored.

Some sunsets, calm and serene,

With hues of gold, and pink, so clean.

Others, wild and fiery, with so much gleam,

A fiery orb, that lights up the scene.

And then, I come upon a room,

A place of magic, that casts its boon.

Where the sunsets come alive, in tune,

And I can bask, in their radiant moon.

I close my eyes, and let the magic flow,

A symphony of colors, with a rhythmic glow.

Each moment, a story, with its own show,

A treasure trove of memories, that I’ll always know.

In this library, where the sunsets reside,

A place of magic, that will never subside.

A never-ending source of beauty, so wide,

A place where I’ll always feel, so alive.

Hungry Night

The night creeps in, with its silent tread,

A shadow that creeps, upon the land spread.

It brings with it, the darkness ahead,

And devours the day, like pie, so well spread.

The sun, a blazing orb, so warm and bright,

A symbol of life, that shines so light.

But the night, so insatiable, in its might,

Attempts to eat it, with all its might.

The sun sets low, in the sky so blue,

A fiery orb, that dances its way through.

The night watches, with eyes so true,

And hungers for it, like pie, so new.

The sun is gone, and the night takes flight,

A blanket of stars, that twinkle so bright.

And in the distance, the moon shines so bright,

A beacon of light, that guides us through the night.

The night may win, but the sun shall rise,

A new day, a new chance, in the skies.

And the night shall retreat, to the horizon’s size,

And the sun, once again, shall light up the skies.

So let the night eat the sun, like pie,

For it shall rise, in the morning sky.

And light up the world, with its warm and bright,

A symbol of life, that will always shine bright.

Never Set

In the Arctic Circle, where the sun reigns supreme,

The sky glows, with a golden sheen.

Where the days are long, and the nights are lean,

And the sun, like a fire, burns bright and keen.

The landscape is blanketed, in white snow,

A canvas, of glistening, crystals aglow.

The air is crisp, and the winds do blow,

A symphony of nature, that’s beautiful to know.

And as the sun rises, it paints the sky,

With hues of orange, and yellow, that defy.

Its rays stretch out, as far as the eye,

A sight so breathtaking, it brings a sigh.

For in this place, where the sun never sets,

The world is bathed, in an ethereal glow.

A place, where the sky, is aglow with fire,

And the night, is but a whisper, so dire.

And as the day wears on, with no end in sight,

The sun, dances in the sky, with such delight.

And when the world is bathed, in its warm and bright,

It’s a scene, that I’ll always remember, so light.

And as the sun sets, once again, in the sky,

It casts its last rays, with a farewell sigh.

Leaving the world, in a peaceful lullaby,

Till it rises, once again, with no end in sight.

Why Setting Sun?

The sun sets, in the sky so wide,

A fiery orb, that begins to hide.

A symbol of change, in the cosmic tide,

And the beginning, of a journey inside.

It signals the end, of a day so bright,

A time for reflection, and rest at night.

For the sun, holds a secret, in its light,

A message, of wisdom, that we must invite.

It whispers of cycles, that come and go,

Of life, and death, and the tides that flow.

Of growth, and rebirth, and the seeds that sow,

And the journey, that we all must undertake and know.

For the sun sets, to bring balance to all,

A reminder, of the ebb, and the flow, of it all.

And to give us rest, in the stillness of night,

And the wisdom, that comes, with the rise of light.

So when you see the sun, begin to set,

Take a moment, to reflect, and not forget.

The mysteries, that it holds, and the lessons it met,

For they are the key, to a journey, that’s beset.

For the sun sets, to bring balance to all,

A reminder, of the cycles, that rise and fall.

And to guide us, on a journey, so bright,

A path, of wisdom, that will lead us to the light.

A Taste

The sun sets, with a desire so strong,

To dip its rays, into the ocean’s song.

And taste the salt, and feel the waves,

To quench its thirst, in its oceanic caves.

It dances, with the waves, so free and wild,

And lets its light, spill into the ocean’s mild.

As if it’s searching, for something lost,

A taste, of something, that can never be bought.

It dips its fingers, into the water’s deep,

And plays, with the sea, in an endless sleep.

And as it sets, into the ocean’s embrace,

It brings, a beauty, to this earth’s space.

For the sun, has a love, for the ocean’s shore,

And it’s there, where it finds, what it’s searching for.

A connection, to the earth, and all it’s more,

And a taste, of the ocean, that it adores.

So as the sun sets, into the ocean’s arms,

It brings, a peace, that it alone can charm.

And leaves behind, a memory, so warm,

Of a desire, to taste the ocean’s calm.

Ode To Sunsets

Oh Sunset, you bring the day to a close,

A fiery pupil, that fades and glows.

Your beauty, a sight, no one can oppose,

And in your wake, a new day arises.

With each dip, below the horizon’s rim,

You bring an end, to the day’s sim.

And with each fade, you begin to skim,

Into the night, and a world, so dim.

But in that dusk, there’s a magic untold,

A new beginning, as your colors fold.

And as you rest, the next day takes hold,

With new hopes, and dreams, to unfold.

For the Sunset, is a symbol of time,

A reminder, that each day, is a climb.

And with each end, there’s a new rhyme,

A new story, that is waiting to unwind.

So let us cherish, this moment so dear,

This Sunset, that brings, the day so clear.

For in its wake, the next day is near,

And a new journey, that we hold so dear.

Oh Sunset, you bring the day to a close,

A Flower, that fades and glows.

And as you set, you conceive, a rose,

The next day, that forever flows.