21 Tree Poems

Tree of life

The tree of life stands tall and proud,

Its branches reaching to the clouds.

Its roots dig deep into the earth,

Connecting all of life since birth.

The leaves that rustle in the breeze,

Whisper secrets of the ancient meets.

The bark that’s rough, yet smooth and warm,

Holds stories of life’s ebbs and storms.

It stands for growth, for strength and grace,

For all the cycles in time and space.

It reminds us of our connection,

To every living thing and every sensation.

The tree of life, a symbol grand,

Of all that lives and all that’s planned.

It reminds us to live in harmony,

With nature, and with all humanity.

Lighting Strike

The oak tree Truncated and strong,

A ruler of the forest for so long.

But one fateful night, as the storm raged on,

A bolt of lightning struck, and the tree was gone.

The mighty oak, with its branches wide,

Was reduced to ash, with nowhere to hide.

The once-great tree, now just a shell,

A reminder of nature’s power, and its hell.

But even as the tree lay in ruins,

Life began anew, with nature’s choosings.

From the ashes, new growth will rise,

A new tree will take its place, under the skies.

The oak tree may have met its end,

But its legacy will live on, around the bend.

For in the forest’s web of life,

Nothing is ever truly gone, just free from strife.

Nature’s ways are often harsh,

But in its cycles, there’s a certain charm.

The oak tree may be gone, but not forgot,

For in its passing, new life has been brought.

Tree Guardian

The tree posing tall, and strong, and true,

A guardian of the children, young and few.

It spread its branches wide and far,

A shelter from the sun and from the star.

The children played beneath its shade,

Their laughter ringing, never to fade.

They climbed its trunk, and swung from its boughs,

Their spirits free, like the wild birds and the clouds.

The tree protected them from harm,

With its leaves and branches, a natural charm.

It watched over them, as they grew,

Its branches, a canopy of love, always aglow.

As the children grew older, and left the nest,

The tree stood there, its heart at rest.

For it knew, that it had done its part,

To nurture and protect, with all its heart.

The tree may be just a tree, but it knew,

That it had played a role, that was true.

In the lives of the children, it will always be,

A protector, a friend, a memory.

Status symbol

The mahogany tree pure and unfound,

In the forest, it towered among the crowd.

With its rich dark wood and smooth, sleek grain,

It was a tree like none other, free from stain.

But as men came with their axes and saws,

The mahogany’s fate was sealed, without pause.

It was cut down, to be made into wealth,

A status symbol, for the powerful and well-heeled.

Its wood was used to make fine furniture,

To decorate the homes of the rich, for sure.

But the tree was gone, and with it, its life,

Reduced to a thing, to be sold and bought, without strife.

The mahogany, once a part of the earth,

Now a lifeless object, for man’s own worth.

But even in death, it remains a beauty,

A symbol of wealth and luxury, in perpetuity.

But let us remember, as we admire,

The cost of this tree, and its funeral pyre.

For every mahogany, cut down and sold,

Is a loss of life, that should never be told.


Deep in the forest, where the trees sway,

Lives a creature both wild and gay.

With skin like bark and hair like leaves,

She is a dryad, nature’s muse and thieve.

She dances among the flowers and streams,

With the wind as her partner and the sun as her beams.

She sings to the birds and whispers to the trees,

And all of the forest bows down to her ease.

She is the guardian of the wood,

And all that dwell there are understood.

To be in her presence is to feel alive,

And to leave is to wilt and die.

She is a mystery, a fantasy,

A being of pure energy.

She is the dryad, the forest’s queen,

Forever in our hearts, forever serene.

Burning Trees

The forest burns, the trees ignite,

Their leaves and branches alight.

The flames lick high, the smoke does soar,

A sight both terrible and raw.

The heat is intense, the ash does fall,

The creatures flee, they hear the call.

The fire rages, it knows no bounds,

It devours all, it brings no sounds.

The trees that stood for centuries,

Now reduced to ashes and debris.

Their trunks are black, their leaves are gone,

The forest’s beauty now undone.

But in the ashes, hope does bloom,

New life will come, in nature’s room.

For though the fire may seem so cruel,

It’s but a step in nature’s rule.

The forest burns, the trees ignite,

Their sacrifice, a natural rite.

For in the end, the forest will rise,

A new beginning under the blue skies.


The Everglades, a land of trees

And water, flowing with the breeze.

A place of mystery, a place of might,

Where nature’s beauty takes flight.

The mangroves, with their knotted roots,

Stand tall, as the water hoots.

The cypress, with their knees so grand,

Provide shelter, a home for the land.

The sawgrass, a sea of green,

A wonder, to be seen.

It stretches far, it stretches wide,

A true natural pride.

The animals, they roam free,

Beneath the trees, so wild and free.

From alligators to the panther black,

They call the Everglades their home, and never lack.

The Everglades, a land of trees,

A place of beauty, beyond degrees.

A treasure, for all to see,

A haven, for you and me.


The redwoods, a sight to behold,

Their grandeur, forever told.

With trunks so wide and branches high,

They reach towards the sky.

Their roots, so deep, they reach the core,

A connection to earth, forever more.

They stand tall, they stand proud,

Nature’s giants, in a shroud.

The mist that surrounds them, so serene,

A mystical aura, a natural scene.

The sunlight filters through the leaves,

A sight so peaceful, one never leaves.

For the redwoods, they are more than just trees,

They are a symbol of strength, of the breeze.

They have stood the test of time,

A true natural wonder, a climb.

The redwoods, a sight to behold,

Their grandeur, forever told.

A natural wonder, a natural treasure,

A sight to behold forever.

Swing From the Trees

A girl swings from the trees,

With wild hair and carefree breeze.

She laughs and sings, her voice so sweet,

As she swings to the rhythm of her heartbeat.

She grips the rope with hands so strong,

And swings, all day long.

She feels the wind, she feels alive,

With every swing, her spirit thrive.

She’s one with nature, one with the trees,

She’s wild, she’s free.

She’s in her element, in her home,

Where she can be herself, she can roam.

The girl swings from the trees,

With joy in her heart and a smile on her face.

She’s free, she’s alive,

A true natural grace.

The girl swings from the trees,

With her spirit soaring high.

She’ll always be a wild child,

With the trees as her sky.

Holiday Tree

We set out early, before the dawn,

To find the perfect tree, a Christmas fawn.

With axes and saws, we trek the land,

In search of the one, with a heart full of grand.

We wander through the forest, so green,

Where the trees stand tall, and the snow is seen.

We search high and low, with care and with cheer,

For the one that will bring Christmas cheer.

We find it at last, the perfect tree,

Tall and full, a sight to see.

We cut it down, with care and with grace,

And set it on the sled, in its rightful place.

We tie it down, and head for home,

With the scent of pine, and the chill of the cold.

We’ll trim it up, and decorate it bright,

For all to see, on Christmas night.

We’ll gather around, our family and friends,

With the warmth of the fire, and love that transcends.

And as we look upon the tree, so grand,

We’ll know that Christmas has come, once again.

Same Tree

A tree stands alone, beside the path,

A silent witness, to the aftermath.

Of seasons changing, and leaves falling down,

And people walking, with heads hanging down.

It stands tall, it stands proud,

With branches reaching, to touch the clouds.

It’s leaves rustle, in the gentle breeze,

As if to say, “I’m here, if you please.”

I pass by it, day after day,

With my thoughts and worries, on display.

It’s always there, a constant friend,

A reminder, that life goes on, around the bend.

It’s branches have seen, my joy and my pain,

And through it all, it still stands the same.

It’s a reminder, that life is a cycle,

And that everything, is just a little while.

So I’ll continue to pass by, the tree,

With a sense of comfort and familiarity.

For it reminds me, that though time goes by,

Some things, like the tree, will always be nigh.

The Oak

Oak tree, so strong and grand

With leaves that rustle in the breeze

A symbol of endurance

A home for many creatures

Nature’s wonder, a sight to see

Cherry Blossom

Cherry blossom tree, so fair

With petals that dance in the air

A symbol of renewal

A reminder of beauty, so true

Nature’s canvas, a sight to behold

The Pine

Pine tree, so tall and green

With needles that sway in the wind

A symbol of longevity

A home for many, within

Nature’s fortress, a sight to see

The Willow

Willow tree, so graceful and long

With branches that sway to a song

A symbol of flexibility

A home for many, with ease

Nature’s dancer, a sight to see

The Maple

Maple tree, so vibrant and red

With leaves that fall, overhead

A symbol of change and transformation

A home for many, a sensation

Nature’s beauty, a sight to see

The Birch

Birch tree, so white and pure

With bark that peels, for sure

A symbol of new beginnings

A home for many, a winning

Nature’s elegance, a sight to see

The Palm

Palm tree, so tall and tropical

With fronds that sway, like a tropical

A symbol of vacation

A home for many, a sensation

Nature’s paradise, a sight to see

The Apple

Apple tree, so sweet and round

With fruit that dangles, to the ground

A symbol of nourishment

A home for many, a enhancement

Nature’s bounty, a sight to see

The Cedar

Cedar tree, so tall and grand

With needles that sway, like a band

A symbol of protection

A home for many, a section

Nature’s fortress, a sight to see

Ode to Trees

O trees, you giants of the earth,

With roots so deep, and branches girth.

You are the lungs of our world, so grand,

Providing oxygen, to all across the land.

You are the homes, of countless creatures,

The shelter, from the sun’s hot features.

You are the source of life, the very heart,

Of the natural world, that sets us apart.

You are the beauty, that we all seek,

The sight, that makes our souls peak.

From the lush rainforests, to the snowy woods,

You are the wonder, that always does good.

You are the symbol, of strength and of grace,

The reminder, of time, and of place.

You are the past, the present, and the future,

The hope, that will always endure.

O trees, you giants of the earth,

We owe you a debt, of immeasurable worth.

So let us protect you, and cherish you well,

For without you, our world, would not be able to dwell.