22 Breakup Poems


Heartache and tears,

Filled with so much fear,

Betrayed by the one,

I held so dear.

Lies and deceit,

A love now obsolete,

My trust shattered,

My heart incomplete.

I gave you my all,

But it wasn’t enough,

You chose to stray,

And now our love is rough.

I try to move on,

But the pain lingers still,

I thought our love was strong,

But it couldn’t conquer the thrill.

Goodbye to you,

And the love we had,

I’ll find someone new,

And be glad.

 Found out

Upon a discovery,

Of a love gone astray,

My heart felt a treachery,

And it could not stay.

I saw the truth,

Through a window’s gaze,

A love once pure,

Now filled with deceit and haze.

I confront you,

With a broken heart,

I cannot continue,

This love torn apart.

I’ll find a new love,

One that’s true,

Goodbye to you,

I’ll bid adieu.

I’ll heal my wounds,

And move on with grace,

I’ll find a love,

That will take its rightful place.


The fight was fierce,

Anger and pain,

Words were said,

That cannot be regained.

We fought with all our might,

But it couldn’t be won,

Our love fell apart,

And now it’s done.

We couldn’t see,

Past our own pride,

We let the anger,

Deep inside.

I cannot stay,

In this toxic place,

I’ll walk away,

With a heavy heart, and a furrowed face.

The love we shared,

Once so pure,

Now lies in ruins,

And I must find a cure.

Goodbye to you,

And the love we had,

I’ll find a way,

To move on, and be glad.

Unrequited love

My love for you, is like a flame,

Burning bright and strong,

But you do not feel the same,

And my love for you, feels so wrong.

I see you every day,

And my heart skips a beat,

But you are unaware,

And my love for you, remains incomplete.

I try to hide my feelings,

Deep within my heart,

But they linger on,

And tear my world apart.

I wish for you to see,

The love that I possess,

But until then,

My love for you will remain unrequited, I must confess.

I’ll keep my love for you,

Safe in my heart,

And I’ll wait for the day,

When we won’t be apart.

Fall Out

Once our love was like a rose,

Full of beauty and grace,

But now it withers and decomposes,

As we fall out of this embrace.

We used to be inseparable,

We shared a love so true,

But now the feelings are unable,

And the love we shared is through.

We’ve grown apart,

And our love has changed,

The spark is gone,

And the fire has been estranged.

We tried to hold on,

But the love has died,

We’ll let it go,

And say our last goodbye.

It’s hard to let go,

Of a love once so true,

But we’ll move on,

And start anew.


The weight of guilt,

On my shoulders so heavy,

Knowing I’m the cause,

Of someone’s heart breaking.

The pain in their eyes,

As they try to understand,

Why I must walk away,

And let go of their hand.

I wish I could take back,

The hurt I’ve caused them,

But my heart has moved on,

And my feelings have dimmed.

I know the road ahead,

Will be long and rough,

But I must follow my heart,

Even though it’s tough.

I’ll carry this guilt,

For the hurt I’ve caused,

And hope that one day,

Their heart will be free from this pause.


A promise made,

But now broken,

Leaving me feeling,

Completely shattered and shaken.

I believed in your words,

Trusted in your vow,

But now I’m left with,

Nothing but disappointment now.

I gave you my trust,

And you let it slip away,

Leaving me to pick up,

The pieces of my broken heart today.

I thought we had something special,

But now I see,

That promise was empty,

And my faith in you, shattered in debris.

I’ll move on from this disappointment,

And find a love that’s true,

One that will keep their promise,

And never leave me feeling blue.


A ring on my finger,

A future in sight,

But now it’s gone,

And my heart takes flight.

I thought forever,

Was meant for us,

But now I see,

Our love was nothing but a fuss.

We had it all,

A love that was true,

But now it’s gone,

And I’m saying adieu.

We were meant to be,

But now we’re apart,

The engagement is off,

And my heart is broken from the start.

I’ll mend my wounds,

And move on from this pain,

I’ll find a love,

That will be worth the gain.

Though it hurts now,

I know I’ll find,

A love meant for me,

And Break up a peace of mind.


A life once growing,

A hope that was pure,

Now gone in a moment,

And my heart feels alone.

I had a dream,

A family in sight,

Eyes glazed white,

And limp, sunset to night.

I felt the life inside,

And the promise of love,

But now there is none,

And heart beat gone.

Chest, aching Mammaries,

And the life that could be,

But an etched memory,

To move forward, can’t see.

Though it’s hard to darn,

To know if it was me,

But one day,

I’ll see you again, surreal.

You’ll know the joy,

Of that life sun rise,

And keep it close,

We’ll play, Mother and Baby



A longing so deep,

For a child to hold,

But my body betrays me,

And leaves me feeling so old.

I try and try,

But it’s all in vain,

My womb remains empty,

And my heart feels stained.

I see the babies around,

And the families so blessed,

But my arms trying to grasp,

And my heart bleeds duress.

I want to be a mother,

To hold my baby tight,

But my body’s inability,

Made my womb mis its flight.

I’ll grieve this loss,

And the dreams that will never be,

But I’ll find a way,

To live my life and be happy.

Maybe it’s not meant For me

to have a child To have that’s mine

I’d pay any Price

In pain and hunger

to break up the rest of my life

Best “Friend”

A betrayal so deep,

A friendship now torn,

My best friend and lover,

Together, my heart is scorn.

I trusted in her,

Shared my deepest fears,

But she took my love,

And left me in tears.

I thought we were wrapped in red tinsel,

But scissors, snip, snip I was her stencil,

My best friend and lover,

Hopped on him, his new to ruder.

I thought our friendship,

Was unbreakable and true,

But now I see,

It was all pick and chose.

I’ll Break Up from this pain,

And find a love that’s real,

Where all men are not the same,

And friends that stay real.

I’ll heal my heart, its darkened a little

And make a new start, a new web to spindle

With a love that’s true, and not a riddle

And a friendship that’s smart, one I won’t kill



A child alone,

In the cold, dark night,

Left to face the world,

With no guiding light.

My heart aches,

With the memories so old,

Of being abandoned,

And left out in the cold.

No warmth to hold,

No love to keep me safe,

Just the bitter wind,

And an endless heartbreak.

I cried out for help,

But no one was there,

Just the echoes of my voice,

And the feeling of despair.

But I’ve grown stronger,

From that night so long ago,

And I’ve learned to survive,

And let go of the heartbreak and the woe.

Though the memories still linger,

And the pain still runs deep,

I’ve built a new life,

And found a way to heal and keep.

Over and Over

Rejection after rejection,

My heart feels the pain,

Of being denied,

Again and again.

I try to be strong,

And put on a brave face,

But the constant rejections,

Leave me feeling out of place.

I give my all,

But it’s not enough,

I’m left with nothing,

But the echoes of my own huff.

I thought I was worthy,

But now I see,

I’m not good enough,

For anyone to want me.

I’ll keep trying,

Even though it hurts,

Maybe one day,

I’ll find someone who will convert

This rejection into love,

And heal my broken heart,

Until then, I’ll keep on going,

And play my part.

Love Lost

Love lost, heart aches

Memories linger, tears fall

Empty arms, empty heart


Daddy, Daddy look at my light

I need your hand its cold at night

Why do you press on? Is it all right

Daddy, Daddy your body is here

But your soul…

Its ok I can find a way

I can get strong, find a job

Make my own day,

Would that make you care

Would that make you stay

Would that make the shadow

Of your scowl go away?

If that is what I remembered

Of how you were unknown

Unmoved unfelted, unfettered

Is this about you or your grave stone.


Cold as ice frozen bare

Tears wiped away equaled tare

Fountain cored through rock and stone

Pulled from the faces of the love and bold

Picked off the mountain top

Wind gusts called loves siren

You chose to love, harvest its crops

Heart palpates fail, Soft to chitin

Blood through seem and lases

Held by hope and promise bracelets

All is won, all is done

Strung by a man,

of many faces


In the quiet of the night

I hear your silent paws

No longer by my side

My heart is full of flaws

The memories we shared

Will never fade away

But the love we had

Is now just a distant day

Heartbreak is all I feel

As I think of you

The love we had was real

But now it’s all through

You brought me joy and laughter

And chased away my fears

But now that you’re gone

All I have are tears

I’ll hold you in my heart

And keep you close to me

Forever in my thoughts

You’ll always be my family

I’ll miss you till my last breath

and the day we’ll meet again

where life is eternal and we’ll never break up

Rest In peace my dear friend.

Loss of Spouse

The sun rises, but you’re not here

The silence is deafening, my dear

I wake up, but you’re not by my side

The emptiness inside, I cannot hide

We shared a love, so pure and true

But now it’s gone, and I’m feeling blue

I miss your laugh, your smile, your touch

I miss you so much

Heart breaking up is all I feel

As I think of you

The love we had was real

But now it’s all through

We had a love that was meant to be

But now it’s just a memory

I’ll hold you in my heart

And keep you close to me

Though you’re gone, you’ll never be far

I’ll carry you with me, wherever I are

I’ll love you till my last breath

And forever in my heart you’ll rest.


Shattered expectations, like broken glass

Scattered on the floor, a shattered past

We had a dream, a hope, a plan

But now it’s gone, and I can’t understand

Why did it all fall apart?

Why did it break up my heart?

I thought we had it all

But now I’m taking the fall

I thought we’d make it through

But now my dreams are shattered too

I thought our love was strong

But now it seems it was all wrong

Expectations are fragile things

Easily broken, like a pair of wings

We thought we knew what’s meant to be

But fate can be unpredictable, as we can see

We thought we knew our future path

But life can take unexpected turns, that’s a fact

But still, we’ll pick ourselves up, and move on

For, hope is a light that shines, even when all is gone.


Heartbreak is all I feel

As I labor under the sun

I am a slave, with no appeal

My will and freedom undone

I was taken from my land

Torn away from my kin

My culture and traditions banned

And my dignity buried deep within

I work the fields, day and night

My body breaking up, my spirit broken

I have no choice, no right to fight

My future is nothing but a token

I dream of freedom, a life of my own

But it’s a dream that’s out of reach

I am trapped, in a life I have known

And my heartbreak is beyond belief

But still, I hold on to hope

That one day I’ll be free

And my heartbreak will finally cope

And in dignity, I’ll be able to see.


The years have passed, and I see

The youth I once had is gone

The carefree days, the energy

Now just a distant song

I remember the days of old

When I was wild and free

But now my body feels so cold

And my mind is not as nimble as it used to be

I look in the mirror and I see

Wrinkles and lines, a face I don’t know

I long for the days when I was carefree

But now my youth has come and gone

I wish I could turn back the clock

To when I was young and strong

But time marches on, and won’t stop

And my youth is forever gone

But I’ll keep the memories in my heart

Of the days when I was young

I’ll hold on to them, and never break up

And in my memories, my youth will always be young


The power I once held so dear

Has slipped through my fingers like sand

I thought it would last forever

But now it’s gone, and I can’t understand

I was in control, I had the reins

I thought I knew what was right

But now it’s clear, my power wanes

And my future is no longer bright

I had the respect and admiration

Of those around me, I was a leader

But now it’s gone, my reputation

Is nothing but a fading memory, a bleeder

I thought I knew the game

But now I’m just a pawn

My power was nothing but a fleeting flame

And I’m left feeling lost and alone

I look back and see the mistakes I’ve made

I realize now, it was all an illusion

And the power I had, was nothing but a shade

A never-ending cycle of confusion

But I’ll learn from my loss

And I’ll rise again

I’ll find a new cause

Never have it break up just append.

Fading desire

Once I was desired, like a flame

But now my light has dimmed

And the passion and desire is not the same

Leaving me feeling empty, grimmed

I was the center of attention

The one who was wanted and sought

But now it seems, my mention

Is nothing but a fading thought

I thought my beauty would last forever

But now the mirror shows me a different face

I’m not the one people want to be with never

I’m just a memory, a fleeting trace

I thought love would be constant

But now it seems to slip away

Leaving me feeling insignificant

And my heart aches for yesterday

I long for the days when I was desired

When love was in the air

But now it seems my fire

Has been reduced to a mere flare

But I’ll learn to find beauty within

and it can’t break up the love of myself

I’ll learn that true love doesn’t begin

And end with someone else.