23 Poems About Moving On

Moving On From Love

A heart once full of love and light,

Now shattered, broken, torn apart,

Memories that once brought delight,

Now pain that dwells within my heart.

I thought our love would last forever,

But life had other plans in store,

Our love was strong, we had each other,

But now it’s time to love no more.

The tears I shed, the pain I feel,

A journey that I must endure,

The memories of love once real,

Now just a distant, faded lure.

So I’ll take a step, then one more,

With each step, I’ll leave it behind,

A new chapter, a life to explore,

A future, with peace of mind.

For though love may leave a scar,

It taught me what true love can be,

And in my heart, it’s not that far,

I’ll cherish it, for all to see.

So here’s to moving on from love,

Embracing a new day with hope,

With open arms and a heart full of,

The courage to help me cope.

Moving On From Work

I spent long hours, day by day,

In a job that didn’t bring me joy,

The tasks I did, just got in the way,

Of all the things I’d love to enjoy.

But now it’s time, to start anew,

A fresh chapter, a new path to take,

A chance to show what I can do,

And to not let any chance escape.

With a new position comes new dreams,

Opportunities I’ll surely seize,

And though it feels like it’s not what it seems,

I’m excited for this next chapter, please!

And with more time, I’ll find new ways,

To fill my days with things I love,

I’ll explore my passions and find new hobbies,

And cherish the moments from above.

No longer burdened by work and stress,

I’ll find balance and peace of mind,

And create a life that’s truly blessed,

Where joy is always one step behind.

So here’s to moving on from work,

And embracing the unknown with grace,

With open arms and a heart that’s perk,

And the courage to chase my pace.

Moving On From Money Problems

Money problems, once all I saw,

A constant worry, a heavy load,

Stress and fear, that ate me raw,

And kept me from the road.

But now I see, it’s time to rise,

To leave behind, this troubled life,

And look ahead, with brighter eyes,

And see a world without strife.

I’ll make a plan, and stick to it,

With discipline, and hard work too,

I’ll save my money, and not just sit,

And wait for what the future holds for me.

And as I save, I’ll find new ways,

To enjoy life, and not just survive,

I’ll spend my time, on better days,

And leave the past, with peace of mind.

So here’s to moving on from strife,

And embracing a new financial life,

With open arms, and a heart of light,

And the courage to conquer, without fright.

Moving On From Friendships

Friends once close, now far apart,

Our bond now broken, our paths now split,

Memories of laughter, now a work of art,

That I’ll keep safe, in the corners of it.

It’s hard to say goodbye, to what was true,

To friends I trusted, and who I called mine,

But life moves on, and so must I too,

And find new friends, in this journey of time.

The pain I feel, will slowly fade,

And with it, the memories I made,

But they’ll remain, in my heart, where they’ll stay,

As a reminder, of the love we shared, someday.

So I’ll take a step, then one more,

With each step, I’ll leave it behind,

A new chapter, a life to explore,

And friendships, that I hope to find.

For though the end, of a friendship may sting,

It’s just the start, of a journey anew,

And I’ll cherish, the love that it will bring,

As I move on, to find what’s true.

So here’s to moving on from friends,

Embracing a new chapter with grace,

With open arms, and a heart that bends,

And the courage, to find a new place.

Moving On From Friends with Benefits

We started out, just friends, it’s true,

With laughs and jokes, and nothing more,

But slowly things, between us grew,

And soon enough, we reached the door.

Of friends with benefits, it became,

A casual thing, without a name,

But now I see, it’s time to change,

And leave behind, this love without shame.

The memories, confided,

Of moments shared, that made us smile,

But now it’s time, to step aside,

And find a love, that’s more worthwhile.

So I’ll take a step, then one more,

With each step, I’ll leave it behind,

A new chapter, a life to explore,

And love, that’s gentle, and kind.

For though friends with benefits, may end,

It’s just the start, of a journey new,

And I’ll cherish, the love that it will send,

As I move on, to find what’s true.

So here’s to moving on from friends,

Embracing a new chapter with grace,

With open arms, and a heart that mends,

And the courage, to find a new place.

Moving On From Alcohol

The bottle, once a friend so dear,

A crutch, to help me through each day,

But now I see, it’s time to steer,

And find a life, that’s bright and gay.

I drank to forget, to ease the pain,

And numb the memories, I wished to hide,

But now I know, it’s time to gain,

The strength to face, what I denied.

I’ll take it slow, and day by day,

I’ll leave behind, the alcohol’s hold,

And find a path, that leads the way,

To a life, that’s healthy, and bold.

I’ll find new friends, and things to do,

That bring me joy, and peace of mind,

And in their love, I’ll find what’s true,

And leave behind, the bottle and its grind.

So here’s to moving on from alcohol,

And embracing a new life so bright,

With open arms, and a heart that’s full,

And the courage, to face the night.

Moving On From Depression

The darkness once, consumed my mind,

And took away, the joys I knew,

A heavy weight, that was so hard to find,

And left me lost, in feelings of blue.

But now I see, it’s time to rise,

To leave behind, this troubled life,

And look ahead, with clearer eyes,

And see a world, that’s full of light.

I’ll take it slow, and day by day,

I’ll reach out, and find some help,

And with their love, and gentle ways,

I’ll find the strength, to overcome and yelp.

I’ll find new joys, and things to do,

That bring me peace, and happiness too,

And in their love, I’ll find what’s true,

And leave behind, the depression and its hue.

So here’s to moving on from depression,

And embracing a new life so bright,

With open arms, and a heart that’s blessed with affection,

And the courage, to face the night.


Moving On From Gambling

Cards once dealt, a rush of thrill,

A thrill that faded, with the debt,

Now it’s time, to pay the bill,

And move on, from this addict.


Moving On From Smoking

A puff of smoke, to ease the mind,

A mind that’s now, so hard to find,

It’s time to leave, this habit behind,

And breathe in life, with a clearer mind.


Moving On From Procrastination

A task so great, and time so short,

A short that’s lost, in idle thought,

Now it’s time, to take the fort,

And move on, from this procrastination resort.


Moving On From Overeating

A plate so full, and hunger still,

A hunger that’s, never to fulfill,

Now it’s time, to find a skill,

And move on, from this overeating thrill.


Moving On From Negative Thoughts

A mind so filled, with worries and fears,

Fears that hold, back the happy tears,

Now it’s time, to wipe the tears,

And move on, from these negative thoughts and smears.


Moving On From Substance Abuse

A pill, a drink, a way to cope,

A way that’s lost, its glimmer of hope,

Now it’s time, to find a way to cope,

And move on, from this substance abuse and slope.


Moving On From Perfectionism

A quest for perfect, never to end,

An end that’s lost, in the fear of bend,

Now it’s time, to find a bend,

And move on, from this perfectionism trend.


Moving On From Impulsiveness

An act so quick, without a thought,

A thought that’s lost, in the moment sought,

Now it’s time, to slow the thought,

And move on, from this impulsiveness and brought.


Moving On From Jealousy

A gaze so green, a heart so sore,

A heart that’s lost, in envy’s war,

Now it’s time, to find a more,

And move on, from this jealousy and roar.


Moving On From Greed

A thirst for more, a never-ending crave,

A crave that’s lost, in the love of trade,

Now it’s time, to find a trade,

And move on, from this greed and raid.

An Ode to Moving On

Oh moving on, a journey so grand,

A journey that takes us, to new lands,

A journey that frees us, from our past,

And helps us find, a brighter path.

It takes us away, from heartache and pain,

And leads us to, a life that’s renewed,

With a heart so light, and a spirit so sane,

And a hope so strong, that’s impossible to lose.

Moving on, is a journey of growth,

Where we learn to love, ourselves more,

Where we find the courage, to let go,

And find peace, in what was before.

It’s a journey that’s full, of self-discovery,

Where we learn to live, our life with pride,

And find joy, in all that life has to offer me,

And embrace, the beauty of life, with open arms and stride.

So here’s to moving on, a journey so dear,

A journey that brings, happiness and cheer,

A journey that helps us, grow and become,

And a journey that leads us, to a life that’s second to none.

Moving On

I thought that love was all we needed,

But turns out it was just conceded.

He promised me the world, it’s true,

But now I see it was just not for me and you.

The memories we shared, now just a trace,

Fading like a summer’s warm embrace.

It’s time to leave it all behind,

No more tears, no more regrets, no more time.

I’m moving on, with grace and poise,

No more doubts, no more of his lies.

I’ll spread my wings and fly so high,

Embracing a love that will never die.

I’ll find a love that’s true and real,

A love that makes me feel,

That I’m enough, that I’m loved,

A love that I’m proud to call my own.

So goodbye, my past, I bid you farewell,

It’s time for me to break out of this cell.

I’m moving on, I’m growing strong,

With a heart full of love, where I belong.

Moving Forward

It hurts to say goodbye to what we thought would last,

But sometimes love just can’t hold on to the past.

The vows we made, the dreams we shared,

All shattered, leaving us feeling scared.

But hold your head up high, don’t shed a tear,

For you are stronger than you know, my dear.

It’s time to close this chapter, turn the page,

And start a new journey, a brand new age.

Embrace the change, it’s not the end,

It’s just a new beginning, a brand new bend.

Let go of the pain, let go of the past,

And open up your heart, to make love last.

Take one step at a time, don’t rush ahead,

Embrace the journey, cherish the bread.

For every heartbreak, every scar,

Will make you a better person, who you are.

So smile and be brave, don’t look back,

For a brighter future, is on its way track.

And with every step, you’ll find your way,

To a love that’s true, a love that will stay.

New Growth

Leaves fall from the tree,

Drifting away with the wind,

New growth waits ahead.

Sun Rises

The sun rises, slow,

A new day brings a new hope,

Moving on, I go.


The river flows on,

Overcoming all the rocks,

Leaving pain behind.