23 Soccer Poems


The ball is kicked, with force and might,

It soars through the air, a beautiful sight.

With precision, it heads towards the net,

A goal in sight, with no time to fret.

The crowd holds its breath, in silent awe,

As the ball approaches, the net’s wall.

Will it make it in, or will it miss,

The tension builds, with each passing twist.

The keeper jumps, with all his might,

But the ball slips past, a beautiful sight.

It lands in the net, with a satisfying thud,

The crowd erupts, in a roar of cheers and mud.

The goal is scored, the game is won,

A victory, under the setting sun.

The ball is kicked, with force and might,

A beautiful sight, a beautiful sight.

Broke ankles

I dribble the ball, with quick feet,

Outmaneuvering, my opponent so fleet.

I weave through the defense, with agility and grace,

My focus sharp, with a clear pace.

I see an opening, and make my move,

I pass the defender, with a quick groove.

I head towards the goal, with determination and drive,

I’m one step closer, to keep my team alive.

My opponent tries to stop me,

With a sliding tackle, so rough and speedy.

But I anticipate the move,

And with a feint, I make them groove.

The crowd roars, as I score the goal,

A victory, that makes my heart whole.

I outmaneuvered my opponent, with skill and poise,

A game well played, a victory with no noise.


The ball is kicked, with force and might,

It soars through the air, a beautiful sight.

With precision, it heads towards the net,

A goal in sight, with no time to fret.

The crowd holds its breath, in silent awe,

As the ball approaches, the net’s wall.

Will it make it in, or will it miss,

The tension builds, with each passing twist.

The keeper jumps, with all his might,

But the ball slips past, a beautiful sight.

It lands in the net, with a satisfying thud,

The crowd erupts, in a roar of cheers and mud.

The goal is scored, the game is won,

A victory, under the setting sun.

The ball is kicked, with force and might,

A beautiful sight, a beautiful sight.

The feeling of scoring a goal is unmatched

A moment frozen in time, forever etched

In the mind’s eye, a memory to last

A goal scored, a victory amassed.

The team’s joy, the fans’ delight

The keeper’s despair, all take flight

In that one moment, when the ball hit the net

Scoring a goal, a feeling to never forget.

With Family

We gather around, my family and me,

To watch the game, with passion and glee.

The colors of our team, on our faces painted,

Our spirits high, our hearts enchanted.

The excitement builds, as the game begins,

With every pass, and every spin.

We cheer and we shout, with all our might,

For our team, we’ll fight, till the end of the fight.

We laugh and we joke, as the game goes on,

With every goal, our joy is drawn.

We high-five and hug, with every score,

For our team, we’ll always adore.

The game comes to an end, and though we may lose,

The time spent together, we’ll never choose to bruise.

For watching the game, with family by our side,

Is a memory, we’ll forever hold and abide.

Old Friends

We were young and carefree,

with grass-stained knees.

We’d gather in the field,

with our soccer ball as our shield.

With laughter and cheers,

we’d play for hours on end,

our spirits high,

with each kick and each bend.

We’d chase the ball,

with all our might,

our hearts beating fast,

in the warmth of the sunlight.

We were a team,

united and strong,

with each other’s backs,

where we’d always belong.

Those days have passed,

but the memories remain,

of childhood joys,

of soccer and friends.

The bond we shared,

on that field of green,

will forever be,

a cherished childhood dream.

From Nothing

From nothing, I rose,

with a ball at my feet,

a hunger to succeed,

a fire burning so sweet.

I trained in the rain,

and in the scorching sun,

I pushed through the pain,

for the game to be won.

I played in the streets,

with a makeshift goal,

I dreamed of the leagues,

and a future so whole.

I took every chance,

to prove my worth,

I showed that I had,

the skill, the speed and the girth.

With dedication and hard work,

I climbed my way to the top,

From nothing to the major leagues,

Where my dreams, I made to stop.

I stood on the field,

with the roar of the crowd,

I knew that I had made it,

from the streets to the proud.

I’m a living proof,

that anything is possible,

With hard work and determination,

You can make your dreams, feasible.

Ode To Soccer

O soccer, the beautiful game,

With a ball at your feet, you bring fame.

You bring people together, from near and far,

With a passion for the game, that shines like a star.

You are the game of the people,

The game that knows no steeple.

You bring joy and excitement,

And a sense of belonging, that is so right.

You are the game of the young and old,

The game that never grows old.

You bring people together, from all walks of life,

With a love for the game, that cuts like a knife.

You are the game of the world,

The game that has become unfurled.

You bring nations together, in unity and peace,

With a bond, that will never cease.

O soccer, the beautiful game,

With a ball at your feet, you bring fame.

You bring people together, from near and far,

With a passion for the game, that shines like a star.


Ronaldo, a goal-scoring king

With skills that leave opponents reeling

A true champion, with a drive

A force to be reckoned with, alive

A Legend in the making


Messi, the maestro of the field

With moves that make defenders yield

A true artist, with a vision

A master of the game, a decision

A Legend in the making


Maradona, the god of the game

With moves that left defenders in shame

A true leader, with a heart

A scorer of the “Hand of God” part

A Legend in the making


Pele, the king of the game

With a talent, that was truly insane

A true ambassador, with a smile

A scorer of goals, all the while

A Legend in the making


Zidane, the master of the midfield

With a touch, that was truly unyielding

A true leader, with a vision

A scorer of the greatest goal, with precision

A Legend in the making


Beckham, the king of free-kicks

With a style, that left opponents in mix

A true ambassador, with a charm

A midfielder, with a deadly arm

A Legend in the making


Neymar, the prince of the game

With skills that left defenders in shame

A true talent, with a flair

A scorer of goals, beyond compare

A Legend in the making


Kaka, the maestro of the midfield

With a vision that was truly unyielding

A true leader, with a heart

A midfielder, with a deadly start

A Legend in the making


Xavi, the master of the midfield

With a passing accuracy, truly unyielding

A true leader

Beloved sport

Soccer, the game that knows no bounds,

With a passion that circles the globe around.

From the streets of Brazil, to the fields of Spain,

The love for the game, is never in vain.

In Africa, it’s a way of life,

A game that brings joy, without any strife.

In Europe, it’s a tradition,

A game that’s passed down, generation to generation.

In Asia, it’s a unifying force,

A game that brings people together, of course.

In North America, it’s a growing craze,

A game that captures hearts, in so many ways.

Soccer, the game that knows no borders,

With a love that knows no limits or orders.

It’s a game that brings people together,

A game that will forever be, a treasure.

From the smallest village, to the biggest city,

Soccer is played with the same intensity.

It’s a game that transcends language, culture and race,

A game that unites us, with a universal grace.

Soccer, the beautiful game, loved around the world,

With a passion that knows no bounds, that love is unfurled.

It’s a game that brings people together, a game that we adore,

A game that will always be, loved forevermore.


FIFA, the governing body,

Of the beautiful game, so free.

With a mission to promote and develop,

Soccer, around the world, to evolve.

From the World Cup, to the Qualifiers,

FIFA, sets the standard, that never tires.

With a vision to unite, and inspire,

FIFA, takes the game, higher and higher.

With a commitment to fair play,

FIFA, ensures that the game, is here to stay.

With a pledge to promote, and to protect,

FIFA, ensures that the game, is respected.

FIFA, the governing body,

With a passion, that is never shoddy.

With a purpose, to bring the world together,

FIFA, ensures that the game, will last forever.


With a ball at my feet, I am alive,

As I perform tricks, that always surprise.

I juggle the ball, with ease and grace,

With a touch, that puts a smile on every face.

I do the rainbow, with a flick of my heel,

I make the defenders, look like a seal.

I do the scissors, with a spin and a kick,

I make the crowd, go wild and quick.

I do the elastico, with a swerve and a cut,

I make the keeper, do a double take, what?

I do the roulette, with a turn and a stop,

I make the crowd, go wild, non-stop.

With a ball at my feet, I am free,

As I perform tricks, that always please.

I express myself, with style and flair,

With a ball at my feet, I am always there.

I make the ball, my dance partner,

I make it fly, and make it dart.

I make it do, what I desire,

With my tricks, I light the fire.

With a ball at my feet, I am alive,

As I perform tricks, that always strive.

To entertain, to impress, to inspire,

With my soccer ball, I set the fire.

Couching Soccer

I stand on the sideline, with a whistle in hand,

Leading my team, with a clear command.

I guide them through, the ups and downs,

With a passion and drive, that never frowns.

I teach them the skills, they need to win,

I show them the drills, that will make them grin.

I motivate them, when they are feeling low,

I encourage them, to give it a go.

I watch them grow, with each passing day,

I see them improve, in every way.

I am proud of their progress, and their heart,

I know that we’ll make it, from the start.

I am their coach, their mentor and guide,

I lead them to victory, side by side.

I am the one, who helps them believe,

That with hard work and dedication, they can achieve.

I stand on the sideline, with a whistle in hand,

Leading my team, with a clear command.

I guide them through, the ups and downs,

With a passion and drive, that never frowns.

Coaching is a journey, a path to take,

With a team that you lead, and hearts that you make.

It’s a task that requires patience and care,

To help them reach their goals, and to be aware.

It’s a role that I cherish, and I’m honored to be,

A coach of a soccer team, that’s full of energy.

I’ll do my best, to lead them to success,

And to teach them that winning is not the only success.

Soccer Practice

With a ball at my feet, and a field at my side,

I begin my drills, with a determined stride.

I practice my passing, with precision and pace,

I work on my shooting, with power and grace.

I run through my footwork, with quickness and skill,

I work on my balance, to keep my footing still.

I hone my defense, with strength and control,

I build my endurance, to play my role.

The drills may be hard, and the work never ends,

But with each repetition, my game ascends.

I push through the pain, and I never give in,

For the love of the game, is where I begin.

The sweat on my brow, and the ache in my legs,

Are the signs of the progress, that my efforts beg.

With each drill completed, I’m one step ahead,

On my journey to greatness, in the soccer bed.

Drills are the foundation, of the game,

With each repetition, my skills, the same.

They may be tiring, but I know they’re worth it,

For the love of the game, is where I submit.

With a ball at my feet, and a field at my side,

I finish my drills, with a sense of pride.

I may be tired, but my skills have grown,

And now, I am ready, to take the field, and show.

Soccer loss

We stand on the field, with our heads held high,

Though the loss, is a bitter pill, to swallow and sigh.

We gave it our all, but it wasn’t enough,

To overcome the defeat, and the final huff.

We fought till the end, with our hearts on our sleeves,

But the opposing team, was just too much to believe.

We made mistakes, and we paid the price,

But we’ll learn from them, and roll the dice.

We’ll pick ourselves up, and dust off the defeat,

For we know that in loss, there’s a chance to compete.

We’ll come back stronger, and better prepared,

For the next game, where our skills will be shared.

We’ll remember this loss, as a valuable lesson,

A reminder that winning, is not always a given.

We’ll use it as motivation, to push through the pain,

And to come out victorious, in the next game.

Though we may have lost, we’ll hold our heads high,

For we know that in sports, as in life, there’s always a try.

We’ll come back stronger, and more determined,

For the next game, where our skills will be seasoned.

Soccer Daydream

I close my eyes, and let my mind wander,

To a field of green, where my feet thunder.

I see the ball, at my feet, so round,

And hear the roar of the crowd, all around.

I feel the grass, beneath my cleats,

And the wind in my hair, as I take my seat.

I hear the whistle blow, and the game begins,

And I’m lost in the moment, as my heart spins.

I dribble the ball, with quick feet,

Outmaneuvering, my opponents so fleet.

I weave through the defense, with agility and grace,

My focus sharp, with a clear pace.

I see an opening, and make my move,

I pass the defender, with a quick groove.

I head towards the goal, with determination and drive,

I’m one step closer, to keep my team alive.

The crowd roars, as I score the goal,

A victory, that makes my heart whole.

I daydream of the game, with a smile on my face,

And know that one day, I’ll play in that place.