24 Baseball Poems


The crack of the bat echoes through the air,

As the pitcher throws his best stuff with care.

The crowd roars as the ball takes flight,

Hoping for a home run on this bright summer night.

The shortstop leaps, but the ball just misses,

As it lands with a thud in the outfielder’s mitts.

The runner on first takes off with a start,

Trying to make it to second before the throw gets to the heart.

The game is tied in the bottom of the ninth,

As the home team comes up to bat, trying to cross the finish line.

The crowd is on its feet, cheering loud,

Hoping for a walk-off hit to make the crowd proud.

The batter steps up, eyes on the prize,

Swinging for the fences under the bright blue skies.

The pitcher winds up, delivers the pitch,

And the crowd erupts as the ball goes into the ditch.

Baseball is more than just a game,

It’s a summer tradition that will always remain.

With each crack of the bat and each throw of the ball,

We’re reminded of the memories that make us stand tall.

Coming Home

The dirt flies up, a cloud of brown,

As the runner slides into home plate with a frown.

The catcher waits, ball in hand,

Hoping to make the tag and end the game’s final stand.

The crowd holds its breath, the tension high,

As the runner’s cleats dig into the dirt, trying to slide by.

The catcher stretches out his hand, the ball in sight,

But the runner’s slide is true, and he’s safe tonight.

The umpire signals, the crowd erupts,

As the winning run is scored and the game is disrupted.

The runner jumps up, a smile on his face,

Knowing that his slide into home base was the winning play to grace.

It’s a moment of pure joy and adrenaline rush,

As the crowd goes wild, and the players hush.

Sliding into home, the crowd on its feet,

A memory that will forever be sweet.


The strikeout, a bitter pill to swallow,

As the batter walks back to the dugout in sorrow.

The crowd falls silent, the pitcher takes a bow,

As the batter’s dreams of a hit, vanish like a fading vow.

The strike zone narrows, the pressure high,

The pitcher throws his best stuff, as the batter takes a sigh.

The tension mounts, the crowd on its feet,

As the batter swings, but the strike three is discreet.

The batter hangs his head, as he trudges back to the bench,

His teammates pat him on the back, trying to quench.

The disappointment and frustration that he feels inside,

As the strikeout becomes a part of the game, in which one cannot hide.

But the strikeout is not the end,

Another chance to come, the game will bend.

With each at-bat, a new opportunity,

To swing for the fences, and make history.


The Sandlot, a film for all to see,

Takes us back to a simpler time, of childhood glee.

The boys of summer, playing ball every day,

Living for the game, in their own special way.

The smell of fresh cut grass and the sound of leather on wood,

The memories of home runs and tagging out, as good as it could.

The camaraderie of friends, and the bonds that they make,

As they play on the sandlot, with nothing at stake.

The story of the Beast and the legend of the great Babe Ruth,

Will always be remembered as a classic, a timeless truth.

The struggles and triumphs of growing up,

Are captured in this film, as the boys drink from the cup.

The Sandlot, a movie for the ages,

Will always hold a special place in the hearts of the viewers and pages.

It reminds us of the joys of youth and the love of the game,

And how the memories of the sandlot, will always remain the same.

Baseball Training

Training for baseball, a grind day by day,

Pushups, sit-ups, running, to make the team you’ll have to pay.

Sweating, panting, pushing through the pain,

Knowing that the hard work will bring glory and fame.

Lifting weights, building strength,

To hit that ball with all your length.

Practicing swings, perfecting form,

To hit that ball out of the park, is the ultimate norm.

Fielding drills, throwing with precision,

To make that double play with ease, is the ultimate decision.

The repetition, the monotony,

Will make you a better player, that’s the guarantee.

Training for baseball, is not just a physical feat,

It’s also a mental challenge, to keep the focus and beat.

The grind of practice and repetition,

Will make you a better player, with a strong ambition.

So when you step on the field, with your team by your side,

You’ll know you’ve put in the work, to be the best and guide.

Training for baseball, is a journey worth taking,

For the love of the game, and the thrill of winning.

Big leagues

The big leagues, a dream come true,

A goal set long ago, finally coming to fruition.

Training, hard work, and determination,

All paid off with this grand realization.

From the sandlot, to the minor leagues,

To the majors, where the best of the best convene.

The long bus rides, the endless games,

The grind of the season, all worth the pains.

Stepping onto the field, the bright lights,

The roar of the crowd, a feeling so bright.

The smell of fresh cut grass, and the sound of leather on wood,

The memories of home runs and tagging out, as good as it could.

The big leagues, the pinnacle of the game,

Where legends are made, and Hall of Famers claim.

Making it to the big leagues, is a journey worth taking,

For the love of the game, and the thrill of winning.

A dream come true, a lifetime achievement,

Making it to the big leagues, is a privilege.

A milestone, a crowning achievement,

The big leagues, the ultimate destination.


The meeting, a dream come true,

To shake the hand of a hero, one I’ve idolized.

The nerves set in, as I approach with care,

Hoping to make a lasting impression, and to be aware.

The legend stands before me, larger than life,

His accolades and achievements, causing me strife.

But as I look into his eyes, I see a man,

One who has worked hard to be where he is, and to stand.

We talk of the game, of memories and plays,

Of the moments that made him who he is today.

I listen intently, as he shares his story,

Feeling lucky to be in his presence, and not in a hurry.

The meeting ends, and I walk away,

Feeling grateful for the time we spent today.

This hero, my idol, now a friend,

Will forever hold a special place, until the very end.

For meeting your hero, is a moment to treasure,

A memory to hold close, for life’s greatest pleasure.

It reminds us that heroes are human too,

And that their legacy will always be true.

Baseball Couching

Coaching baseball, a labor of love,

To teach the game, and watch it evolve.

From the first practice, to the final game,

To be a part of a team, is a feeling so tame.

The thrill of watching the players grow,

As they learn the game, and their skills overflow.

The satisfaction of a job well done,

When a player makes a play, and the game is won.

The long days, the endless nights,

The dedication, the hard work, all worth the fight.

The strategy, the preparation,

To guide the team, with a steady hand and determination.

Coaching baseball, is not just about the game,

It’s about building character, and giving the players a name.

It’s about teaching life lessons, and molding young minds,

To be leaders, and to be one of a kind.

Coaching baseball, is a rewarding task,

To be a part of a team, and to make it last.

It’s about the love of the game, and the thrill of the win,

And to be a coach, is to be a part of something big.


The fight breaks out, on the field of play,

A sudden surge of emotion, on this sunny day.

Players push and shove, tempers flare,

As the crowd watches on, in disbelief and stare.

The umpire tries to intervene, but to no avail,

As the players’ anger boils, like a tempestuous gale.

Words are exchanged, insults thrown,

As the fight escalates, and the players are shown.

The benches empty, as teammates join the fray,

A melee of fists, and bodies in disarray.

The crowd roars, with a mixture of cheers and boos,

As the fight drags on, with no sign of a truce.

The fight ends, and the players are ejected,

The game goes on, but the damage is detected.

The fight on the field, a black mark on the game,

A reminder of the passion and intensity, that can lead to shame.

A fight on the field, is never a sight to see,

It’s a blemish on the game, and a disunity.

It’s a reminder that emotions run high,

And that sometimes, it’s hard to keep them inside.


The triple play, a rare feat,

A display of skill, that can’t be beat.

Three outs, in one swift motion,

A defensive play, with precision and devotion.

The ball is hit, with a crack of the bat,

The infielders move in, with a plan and a chat.

The shortstop fields it, with a quick glove,

Throws to second, with a precise shove.

The second baseman catches it, in midair,

Throws to first, with a strong arm and a glare.

The first baseman stretches, the runner out,

The triple play, a defensive rout.

The crowd erupts, in a roar of applause,

As the triple play, becomes the talk of the house.

It’s a moment of glory, and a defensive gem,

A play that will be remembered, for a long time to them.

The triple play, a rare and beautiful sight,

A defensive play, that can end the inning with might.

It’s a display of skill, and a team’s coordination,

A moment of glory, that brings the crowd elation.

Abner Doubleday

The creator of baseball, a man of vision,

A game that would bring joy and division.

He saw the potential, in a simple game,

To be played by all, with little or no fame.

He gathered friends, and set the rules,

The field was drawn, and the game became cool.

With a bat and a ball, and a few bases to round,

The game of baseball, was officially found.

He watched it grow, from a local pastime,

To a national sport, that would soon shine.

With each hit, and each run,

The game of baseball, had begun.

And Alexander Cartwright  a man ahead of his time,

A visionary, whose legacy will forever shine.

The game he created, still played today,

A testament to his creativity, in every way.

He may be long gone, but his creation lives on,

A game that has brought joy and has won,

The hearts of many, and will continue to do so,

Thanks to the creators of baseball, who made it grow.

Baseball Making

Making a baseball, a labor of love,

A process that requires skill and skillful gloves.

The leather is cut, with a steady hand,

And shaped to perfection, to make it grand.

The stitching is done, with a needle and thread,

A process that requires patience and steady head.

The stitching is tight, and even all around,

A baseball that is perfect, without a single bound.

The stuffing is done, with a mixture of cork and rubber,

To give it the bounce and weight, like no other.

The cover is put on, with a snug fit,

A baseball that is ready, to be hit.

Making a baseball, is an art,

One that requires passion and a steady heart.

It’s a process that takes time and care,

To make a baseball, that is truly fair.

Making a baseball, is not just about the game,

It’s about the craft, and the love of the name.

It’s a labor of love, that will be thrown and caught,

And will be a part of many memories, that will be taught.

Ode to Baseball

Ode to baseball, the game we adore,

With its crack of the bat, and the roar of the score.

A game of skill, and strategy,

With every pitch, a chance for victory.

The smell of fresh cut grass, and the sound of leather on wood,

The memories of home runs and tagging out, as good as it could.

The camaraderie of friends, and the bonds that we make,

As we play on the field, with nothing at stake.

Ode to baseball, the game of summer,

Where memories are made, and dreams come true.

The thrill of the hit, and the roar of the crowd,

A feeling like no other, that is truly endowed.

Ode to baseball, the game that unites,

With every game, a new story to write.

The love of the game, and the thrill of the win,

Will always be a part of our lives, and will never be thin.

Ode to baseball, the game that we love,

A tradition that will always be passed down, like a glove.

A game that will always remain,

In our hearts and minds, forever to sustain.


Catching a baseball, a test of skill,

A moment of focus, and a heart that is still.

The ball comes soaring, through the air,

A challenge to the catcher, who must be aware.

The mitt is open, ready for the catch,

The eyes are fixed, on the ball’s path.

The hand snaps shut, with a quick reflex,

The ball is secure, with a perfect catch effect.

Catching a baseball, is not just about the glove,

It’s also about the mind, and the moves.

The strategy, the positioning,

The quick thinking and the decision-making.

Catching a baseball, is a defensive art,

A test of skill, that requires a steady heart.

A play that can turn the tide of the game,

A catch that will forever be remembered and claim fame.

Catching a baseball, is a thrill and a test,

A display of skill, that is truly the best.

A moment of glory, that can change the game,

A catch that will forever be remembered, and forever claim fame.

Bade Ruth

Babe Ruth’s swing

Power and grace

Home runs fly, legends born

The Sultan of swat

Babe Ruth, forever remembered

Willie Mays

Willie Mays’ catch

Over the shoulder grab

The catch heard round the world

Willie Mays, forever

A baseball legend

Jackie Robinson

Jackie Robinson’s bravery

Breaking the color line

Jackie Robinson, a trailblazer

Courage on and off the field

A baseball hero, forever

Derek Jeter

Derek Jeter’s poise

Captain, leader, winner

Jeter, a shortstop’s shortstop

Mr. November, forever

A baseball icon, remembered

Michael Jordan

Michael Jordan’s Baseball stint

From basketball great

To baseball’s minor league

Jordan, the experiment

A short-lived side step, still remembered

Hank Aaron

Hank Aaron’s record

Hammerin’ Hank, the home run king

755 and counting

A record that stood the test of time

A baseball great, forever remembered

Sandy Koufax

Sandy Koufax’s arm

A lefty with a curve

Koufax, a pitching legend

Three Cy Young awards, forever

A baseball Hall of Famer

Cal Ripken

Cal Ripken Jr.’s streak

Iron Man, 2,632 games

A record for the ages

Ripken, a shortstop’s shortstop

Forever remembered for his dedication

Roger Clemens

Roger Clemens’ fire

Rocket, a fierce competitor

Cy Young awards, seven

Controversy surrounds his legacy

But his pitching talent, forever remembered

Mike Trout

Mike Trout’s talent

The best player in the game

Trout, a five-tool superstar

MVP, All-Star, forever

A baseball marvel, forever remembered.