25 Scary Poems


I feel the eyes upon me, as I walk alone at night

A shadow trailing behind, no end in sight

My heart races with fear, my steps quicken with dread

As I try to shake the feeling, of being stalked ahead

I try to blend in with crowds, and hide in plain sight

But still I feel the presence, a constant blight

I keep my phone close by, with 911 on speed dial

But the thought of being found, makes my stomach twist and coil

I am trapped in a cycle, of fear and paranoia

Knowing that at any moment, my stalker could be closing in

I am constantly looking over my shoulder, jumping at every sound

Wishing for a way out, a means of escape to be found

I try to tell myself, that I am strong and brave

But the truth is that I am scared, each and every day

I pray for a resolution, for the stalking to cease

But until then, I am living in a state of unease


Willow of the wisps, dancing in the night

Guiding lost souls to the other side, with your soft light

With your ethereal glow, you lead the way through misty moor

And in your presence, fear and sorrow are no more

You are the gentle guide, for those who have passed

Leading them to their rest, at long last

With your tender touch, you ease their pain

And guide them to a peaceful, eternal gain

In the darkest of hours, when all hope is lost

Willow of the wisps, at any cost

You will light the way, to the road ahead

And in your light, the living find solace and rest

With your gentle flicker, you bring comfort and ease

Guiding the lost and the weary, through the forest and the trees

Willow of the wisps, you are the beacon of hope

And in your light, we find the strength to cope.

Dark Forest

I am alone in the dark forest, where the trees tower high

Their branches reaching out, as if to touch the sky

But in this place of beauty, a sense of dread surrounds

I can hear my heart beating, as I walk this haunted ground.

I try to keep my footing, but the path is hard to find

With only the moonlight, to guide my mind

I can hear the rustling, of creatures in the brush

I can feel their eyes upon me, and I feel a rush

Of fear creeping through me, my heart is racing fast

I wish I were back home, safe from this dark and haunted past

The shadows seem to move, with every step I take

I fear I’ll never escape this dark and lonely place.

The wind is picking up, as if it whispers my name

And the darkness closes in, like a cloak of shame

I try to keep moving, though my courage starts to fade

But being alone in the dark forest, is a fate I would evade

I long for the light of day, the warmth of the sun

But for now, I must push on, and hope to be done

With this trial, that I face, in the dark and lonely night

And find my way back home, to the safety and the light


I hear the footsteps behind me, closing in with each step

I feel my heart race, as my fear begins to well

I am being hunted, like an animal in the wild

And the thought of capture, is so very scary, makes me feel ill

I run through the forest, my breath coming in gasps

I can hear my pursuer, close on my heels

I try to stay ahead, but my energy is waning fast

And the darkness that surrounds, make me feels like it’s not real

I dare not look back, for fear of losing ground

But the thought of being caught, is so very scary, it makes me feel bound

I can hear their laughter, as they close in for the kill

My heart feels like it’s breaking, as the fear gives me chills

I’ll fight till the end, and not give in to the fear

For I am more than prey, I am a survivor here

But the thought of being hunted, is so very scary

It’s a game of life and death, so unclear.


I am entombed in darkness, as the dirt fills up my lungs

I can hear the shovels, as they bury me alive

I try to scream, but no sound comes out

My fate is sealed, there is no way out

I feel the pressure, of the earth around me

Crushing my bones, my body can’t be free

I try to move, but I am trapped, bound

I am buried alive, and there is no sound

My mind races, with thoughts of my past

I think of loved ones, who will forever last

But now my time is up, my fate is clear

I’ll remain here, forever in fear

My thoughts grow faint, as the dirt blocks out the light

I’ll lay here in silence, until the end of time

The thought of being buried alive, is the stuff of nightmares

But now it’s my reality, it’s my final bind

I’ll never see the sun, feel the wind or touch the rain

My life was taken by another’s hand and now my heart wanes

I was buried alive, with no way to survive

This is my eternity, and my end has now arrived.

The Drowned

The water engulfs me, as I struggle to stay afloat

I try to swim, but my strength is quickly running out

The waves crash over me, pulling me under

My lungs scream for air, as my vision starts to flutter

I reach for the surface, but it’s just out of reach

The water is pulling me down, within its icy grip

My strength is slipping away, and I can feel the pull

Of the undercurrent, as it drags me deeper still

I try to hold on, but it’s becoming harder to fight

The weight of the water, pressing down with all its might

I can feel my consciousness, slipping away

I’m drowning, and there’s nothing left to say

I think of all I’ll leave behind, as I take my last breath

Of all the dreams, I’ll never see fulfilled before my death

And then there’s nothing, just the endless sea

I am gone, and forever will be.

Drowning is a slow and silent death,

a final goodbye to the world, with no final breath

a silent scream for help, that will never be heard

a final farewell, a last word. Gulp.


I feel the jaws around me, as they begin to close

I am being consumed, by some ravenous beast

The pain is unbearable, as I am torn apart

I am being eaten alive, and it’s tearing me apart

I try to scream, but my voice is silenced

By the monster that feasts upon my flesh

I am nothing but a meal, for this beast to consume

And there is nothing I can do, but accept my fate as doomed

I think of all I’ll leave behind, as I am devoured whole

My life, my loves, my dreams, all gone in one swift stroke

I try to hold on, but the pain is too great

And I am consumed, by this terrible fate

Being eaten alive is a nightmare, the ultimate violation

of our body, a loss of autonomy, and a helpless situation

It’s the end of everything, and the loss of all control

It’s the end of our story, in the jaws of some beast so foul.


I am adrift in the void, with nothing but stars in sight

No up or down, just the endless expanse of night

The silence is deafening, and the emptiness is scary

As I drift through space, with no hope of being merry

My ship is damaged, and I’m running out of air

My only companion, is the cold and empty air

I try to fix the ship, but it’s a losing battle

The thought of being lost in space, is truly scary and fatal

I think of all I’ll leave behind, as I drift away

My family, my friends, my home, all fading to gray

I try to hold on, but the end is near

And I am cast adrift in space, with nothing to hold dear

Being cast adrift in space, is a lonely and scary fate

With no one to hear you, and no one to relate

Your screams for help, just echo in the void

As you drift towards an end, that will be devoid

of warmth, of love and of hope

A fate that leaves you feeling like a dope.


I am but a memory, fading into the past

Once cherished, now forgotten, like a ghost from the past

I try to hold on, but my hold is weakening

The thought of being forgotten, is scary and heart-wrenching

I think of all I’ve done, and all I’ve been

And how it’s all slipped away, like a forgotten dream

My name, my face, my legacy, all lost to time

And the thought of that, is truly a crime

I try to make my mark, to leave something behind

But it’s like a whisper, lost in the wind

I am but a shadow, in the minds of few

Being forgotten, is a scary and cruel

Being forgotten, is like fading into oblivion

A loss of identity, and a feeling of submission

A scary fate, to be nothing but a name

In the annals of history, erased with disdain

It’s scary to think, that we all will be forgotten

Our existence, our impact, all but a memory, rotten.

Don’t need me

Running and rubble running in the street running at night

Ducking from trouble, dont drag your feet, run with your Might

Pulled You along

But I was wrong

You brought your own knife for me

Waiting inside, for the soldiers to go by, just to go on scurry

Holding the lie, that you were really mine, for you to strike without even looking

You knew it was wrong

But you continued along

What is there even a use for me?

Close to the edge, just right over the hedge, come on let’s go be free

This is the end, as excited I’ve been, there’s where you chose to Bleed me

3 inches from life

Into the back just right

Words on your lips, you don’t need me

Bus Stop

Bus stop

Light fog

Pull up

Get on

Scooch over

Hold closer

Skipped motor

Someone came over

Sat down

Looked around

Reach down

“you Down”

Back Pressed

Point Defense

Gets hit

Grabbed where they shouldn’t

Kicked out

Hearts Loud

Thought “how”

Gone Now


Fear on the ice, step just right

Slide to the right, better think light

Hearing creeks and growls, slow the pace

Feeling pops and crackles, now hearts race

To the cabin, and away from this place

Just over there, and you’ll be home safe

Don’t think about the depths beneath

Don’t Think about the colds teeth

Who would know if you were gone

Pulled beneath, covered, ignorant for how long

Bubbled up under the cold sheets

You hope it wouldn’t take them until spring

You reach the beach

Nice And safe relief

Frozen wasteland beneath your feet

Look behind you and see

All your foot prints swallowed

By nature the beast



Tall buildings loom above my head,

I shrink and cower, filled with dread.

The elevator takes me high,

My palms are slick, my heart races by.


I see the world from a different view,

But all I feel is cold and blue.

A sense of vertigo grips my soul,

I want to scream, to take control.


I try to focus on the ground,

To steady my pulse and slow my sound.

But still the fear persists within,

A constant battle I cannot win.


They say that facing fears is wise,

But here and now, I realize,

The heights are something I’ll avoid,

For now, it’s safer to be overjoyed in places where my feet on the ground


For here, the fear of heights is real,

And I will not push my luck to feel

A rush of adrenaline in my blood,

I’ll stick to where my feet are mud.


Spiders Wed


Trapped in a web, so tight and sticky,

The spider’s lair, so dark and creepy.

Scary thoughts fill my mind,

As I struggle to unwind.


Silken strands bind me fast,

A prison built to last.

I try to break free with all my might,

But the web holds me tight.


The spider lurks, its eyes aglow,

A predator, ready for the show.

I scream for help, but no one’s there,

Trapped in this nightmare.


The web begins to close in,

A fate that’s grim and grimy.

But just as the spider strikes,

I wake up, realizing it’s just a dream and it’s scary, that’s true


But in the morning light,

I’ll find the courage to face my plight.

And though the fear remains,

I’ll keep moving forward, breaking through the chains


Scary thoughts will linger

but they will not me hinder

I will face them and move on

And not let the spider’s web trap me for long

Haunted House

Haunted house at night

Shadows dance on the wall

Ghosts whisper my name

Terror grips my heart so tight

I can’t escape this horror


The monster under bed

Its eyes gleam in the dark

I try to scream for help

But my voice is but a whisper

Trapped in fear, alone


The creature in the woods

Its eyes gleam in the dark

Silent and deadly

It stalks its prey with grace

A terror of the wild


The clown with a twisted grin

Its eyes follow me everywhere

I try to run but can’t

Trapped in this nightmare within

Forever haunted by its stare


The darkness of the deep

Creatures lurk in the shadows

I dare not go near

For the unknown is far too steep

A terror of the unknown


The ghost ship on the sea

Its crew long since deceased

It sails on forever

A terror of the deep

A crew of the deceased

Zombie Jump

It was just another day,

I went about my usual way.

But then I heard the shuffling feet,

A feeling of dread and incomplete.

I turned around and there they stood,

The zombies, in a menacing mood.

Their eyes were empty, void of life

Armed with their hunger for human strife

I froze in place, my mind in shock

The zombies drew ever closer, it was like a clock

Their moans and groans a haunting sound

That foretold my impending death and bound.

I had no weapon, no way to fight

I was caught in a zombie bite

My heart was pounding in my chest

I was surprised, caught off guard, like a test

I thought of all the things I’d miss

As the zombies closed in for the kill with a hiss

But then a miracle occurred

A savior came, I was saved, I was preferred

I lived to see another day

But the memory of that attack will forever stay

A reminder to always be prepared

For the possibility of the zombie, undead and scared


Chaos reigns, the world in turmoil,

I’m surrounded by the screaming, it’s upheaval.

Buildings crumble, fires rage,

I’m trapped in this terror-filled cage.

The ground shakes beneath my feet,

I can barely stay on my seat.

I try to run, but where to go?

The destruction is all-encompassing and slow.

The air is thick with smoke and ash,

I gasp for breath, my throat feels rash.

I see people running, panicked and scared,

I’m just another face among the despair.

I try to scream for help, but no sound comes out,

I’m lost in the noise and the shouts.

I’m alone in this hellish scene,

My heart races, my mind goes keen.

I try to find a way to safety

But the world is a madness and a malady

The fear grips me, I’m paralyzed,

In the chaos, my fate is compromised.

I pray for the end to come soon

For the nightmare to be over, in the boon

But until then, I can only wait

Hoping to survive this terror, this fate.

Ode to Scary Stories

Oh, tales of terror and of fright,

How you fill our dreams with sleepless night.

With every page and every word,

You take us on a journey, quite absurd.

From haunted houses to monsters under beds,

You weave a world that fills us with dread.

With every twist and every turn,

You leave us yearning for the lesson to be learned

You are the spine-tingling tales,

That send shivers down our spines, like gales.

You are the stories that keep us awake,

Haunting us with their eerie take.

You are the stuff of legends and of lore,

Tales passed down through generations, evermore.

You are the master of suspense,

Leaving us on the edge of our defense.

You are the tales that make us question

What’s real and what’s just imagination.

You are the stories that make us fear,

But also make us more aware.

Oh, scary stories, how you thrill,

A genre of literature, that never will stand still.

You are the tales that we love to hate

For they keep us alive in this state.

You are the master of horror and fear

and you shall be ever more dear.

So, here’s to you, scary stories,

May you forever keep us in tortures.

Never End

Scary stories haunt

They linger in our minds, they taunt

Terror never ends


Alone, I stand in the dark

With nothing but the beating of my heart.

I gaze into the endless night,

And see no end to this plight.

The stars twinkle above,

But they offer no solace, no love.

I am a stranger to the world,

And my isolation is unfurled.

I walk down empty streets,

And feel the weight of my defeat.

No one to talk to, no one to share

The weight of this burden, this scare.

I try to fill the void inside,

But my attempts are all denied.

I am forever stuck in this place,

In this lonely, desolate space.

I wonder what it’s like to love,

To have someone to hold, to trust.

But as the years go by,

I realize that forever I’ll be alone, and must

embrace it and find a way to be content

In this aloneness, and not lament

For I am the master of my own fate

And I will find happiness, before it’s too late.

I will find my own way, on my own terms

My own company, is not a curse, but a turn

I will find my own light

In this darkness, and it will be bright.

I’ll find my own way in this endless night

to embrace being alone, it will be all right.