27 Poems About Pain

Days Pain

Pain lost stuck in Bed

Reach for phone almost dead

Tossing and stewing wake up drowsy

Morning waking the minds turning

Mustering the day pop adoral

To work, school, job for some resolve

Sit to have aching Wisper up your spine

Drop Advil to push back and free the mind

Talky talky this talky talky that

You leave emails, texts on read for self-respect

Drift to a different place in time, the eather

Where all is right no binds or parking meters

Make the life you want, no leader

Create the art you want , no measure

Explore the place you crave, no teaser

Doing your intentions, no tether

Wake up stack reports

Get a verbal back hand

Always Those that ask for water for sand

Time, punch out clock

Life is full of rocks

Look over your shoulder and then the other way

It always takes one geo for the pain to fade

In the  midst of drugs, drudge, and malaise

You always on step from dancing in the rain

Which Pain

Ice Shoulder, Cold stare


Huge boulder, a fall down stairs

Curled lips, and hushed whispers


Muscle rips, and sprains linger

Social traps, rules or you, lords of rats


Racked from the back with an axe

Which if you chose?

To withstand worlds physical facts


Those that turn to stab, and attack


Chronic pain, a constant friend

Always there, until the end

It whispers in my ear all day

And holds me tight, never to sway

It tells me stories of ache and woe

And shows me visions of a life, slow

It reminds me of the hurt I bear

And promises to always be there

But though it’s hard and dark at times

And all my joy it seems to climb

I’ll not let it defeat my soul

For in this pain, I am made whole

It’s taught me strength and how to fight

And shown me that the dark has light

So I’ll embrace it as my guide

And in this pain, I’ll still reside.

Love Cut

Heartache, like a knife so sharp

It cuts deep and twists, it harps

On every thought and every dream

A constant reminder of what could have been

The pain of falling in love, unreturned

Is a hurt that never quite gets earned

The ache of rejection, it never fades

Echoes on in the heart’s secret shades

A love unrequited, a love denied

Leaves the heart empty and swollen inside

But still the heart hopes and dreams anew

Hoping one day love will come back true

Though the pain may feel unbearable

And the hurt insurmountable

We must gather the strength to move on

And hope that love will come along

For in the end, the heart will mend

And the pain will fade, like a trend

Though the memory of love rejected

Remain, yet it will no longer be affected.


Physical pain, bones ache

Muscles cramp, breath held tight

Endurance, the key


Emotional pain,

Tears flow like a river

Broken heart, left alone


Mental pain, foggy mind

Thoughts race, anxiety reigns

Peace, a distant thought


Psychological pain

Trauma echoes in the mind

Scarred, yet still alive


Spiritual pain, lost

Connection severed, a void

Searching for inner peace

Pain of isolation

Isolation, a pain so true

It gnaws at the heart, it seeps through

The emptiness it leaves behind

Is a hurt that’s hard to find

No human touch, no gentle smile

No comforting words, all the while

The silence grows louder every day

Till it’s all we hear, it never sway

The longing for companionship

Grows with each and every dip

Into the abyss of lonely thoughts

But still, we’re trapped, like in knots

Isolation, a cruel friend

It takes and takes, till there’s nothing left to lend

But still, we hope, we try to cope

And one day, we’ll find a way to elope.


Stick to the grind

Putting in the work overtime

Roving over the possible

To roaming through the actual

The Facts are improvement or death

To use you till your hand flow red

Cry a tear to the benefit conferred

In a heart beat other than you, who served

To convey the thought emotions the soul a rap

In showing humanity weakness is a trap

A siren call to say they are not like that

Until they start kissing behind your back

Stay on a path one to move forward

A ton of sharp corrers to leave former “loaners”

If only you saw the top, a once look over

A façade to make you a one way doner.


Trapped, like a bird in a cage

No hope for freedom, no turning of the page

The walls close in, the air grows thin

The weight of the trap, bears heavy on the skin

The mind races, thoughts swirl around

A prisoner, lost and bound

Trying to find a way out

But the walls, they never tout

The pain of being trapped, a constant ache

A longing for freedom, a heartbreak

The frustration and despair

Can be hard to bear

But still, we hold on to hope

That one day, we’ll find a way to cope

We’ll break the chains, and fly away

Leaving behind the pain, to a brighter day


Pain, a bitter teacher

A path to growth, a hard-won feature

Through hurt and struggle, we learn to rise

And reach for the skies

We fall and stumble, we shed tears

But it’s through the pain, that we gain our cheers

We learn to push through, to be stronger

And to grow, in every manner

The road to betterment, is not always kind

It’s filled with hardships, of every kind

But it’s through the struggles, that we find

Our true selves, and peace of mind

We shed our old skin, like a snake

And learn to make a new path, to make

Pain, the fuel that propels us forward

And towards a better self, we’re fostered

So let the pain come, let it shape you

For it’s through the pain, that we become true.


Pain, a constant companion

When feeling not good enough, it’s an imposition

It whispers in my ear, a constant hum

Of my inadequacies, it never done

The doubts, they gnaw and tear

Making me question, if I am truly here

It tells me, I’m not enough, I’ll never be

And in that pain, I am made to see

The flaws, the mistakes, all laid bare

The fear of failure, a heavy air

It makes me want to run and hide

To avoid the judgement and the tide

But as I stand, in my discomfort

I realize, the fear and pain are but a distort

For I am more than my mistakes

And the worth, is not up for debate

So I’ll face the pain, and the doubts

And prove to myself, what life is about

To be kinder to myself, to learn and grow

And in that path, I’ll truly know

I am enough, just as I am

And the pain of inadequacy, I’ll banish.


Pain, a harbinger of doubts

It seeps in, when reason routs

The heart races, the mind in a haze

As doubts linger, a constant craze

They swirl around, like a tempest

Filling thoughts with fears, and unrest

They make us question, all we know

And leave us feeling, lost and low

Doubts, a cruel companion

It gnaws at us, and never done

It tells us we’re not good enough

And makes our self-esteem, a tough

But in the midst of pain and doubt

We must remind ourselves, what life is about

To push through, to be brave and bold

And not to let doubts, have a hold

For doubts, like pain, are a part of life

And in facing them, we find the strife

To grow and learn, to be true

And in the end, to find a way to breakthrough.


In discomfort,

Stillness is hard to find, rest

Elusive, like peace


Unsettling thoughts,

Eroding peace like a tide,

Discomfort takes hold


Anxiety rises,

Sweat beads on the skin, heart races

Discomfort sets in


Discomfort’s embrace,

A prison hard to escape,

Trapped within the self



Discomfort lurks, like a shadow

But growth comes with change

Ode to Pain

Pain, the great reveler,

A hard-won lesson, yet so true,

A guide to the unknown,

A challenge to face, and to grow.

Though it’s bitter, and hard to bear,

It helps us to find, our inner strength and care,

It pushes us to rise again,

And to face the world, with courage and no strain

Pain, the shaper of us all,

It teaches us to stand tall,

When all else seems to fall,

It gives us the power, to not fall.

It teaches us to be resilient,

To find hope in the darkest hours,

And to see the light, even in the darkest of pain,

It teaches us to embrace our power.

So, here’s an ode to pain,

The great teacher, the guide,

For without it, we would never learn,

To be strong, to be brave and abide.


Pain and love, entwine

Bitter sweet, like a poison vine

One takes, the other gives

Both, necessary to live


Life’s a bitter sweet dance

Pain and joy, the two in prance

One step forward, one step back

Balance, the key to keep track

Find Way

Sorrow mixed with joy

Pain and happiness, a coy

Embrace both, find your way

For they’ll lead you to a brighter day


The pain of growth, so real

But with it, comes the sweet thrill

Of becoming, of reaching new heights

And of emerging, with new insights

In Loss

In loss, we find the pain

But also, memories remain

Bitter sweet, the heartache stays

But with it, love forever stays.