28 Angry Poems


Rage burns within me, like a fiery furnace,

Fueled by anger, and a sense of purpose.

I am a storm, with winds that howl and roar,

A force to be reckoned with, forever more.

My fists are clenched, my teeth are gritted tight,

My eyes are blazing, with a fierce, inner light.

I am a warrior, in a battle for my right,

To be heard, to be seen, to be acknowledged bright.

My voice is loud, my words are sharp,

I will not be silenced, I will not be harped.

I am a force, that cannot be stopped,

I will rage on, till my message is dropped.

But in the midst of all this fury and this pain,

I know that I am not alone, there’s others like me in the chain

We are the fighters, the warriors of the fight,

We will rage on, till we see the light.

And when the rage has finally passed,

I’ll look back on this moment, and make it last

For it is in the rage, that I found my power,

To stand tall, and make my voice heard, in this final hour.


Rage boils within me, as the truth unfolds,

Betrayal cuts deep, like a thousand knives, sharp and cold.

I trusted you, with my heart and soul,

But you took it all, and left me feeling old.

I gave you everything, but you gave me lies,

I gave you my love, but you looked in other eyes.

I can’t believe, that you could be so unkind,

To break my heart, and leave me far behind.

My world is shattered, my dreams are torn,

I thought you were different, but now I see you forlorn.

You played me for a fool, and now I see,

That you were never mine, and you never will be.

Rage is all I feel, as I look at you,

I gave you my all, but you never knew.

You took my love, and tossed it away,

And now I’m left with nothing, but this bitter rage.

But in this rage, I find my strength,

To pick up the pieces, and go to any length

I’ll rise above this, and I’ll be just fine,

You’ll be a memory, but I’ll be the last line.

Friends Keeper

Angry fists fall, as I see my friend,

Bullied and hurt, again and again.

They walk alone, with their head held low,

As cruel words are thrown, like a deadly blow.

I will take away their pain,

And shield them from the hurt and disdain.

 Fight with them, stand by their side,

And be a friend, through the darkest tide.

I see the hurt in their eyes,

As they’re told they’re not good enough, no matter how hard they try.

My heart Burns, as I see their fear,

And the way they’re treated, it’s not fair.

My will to smite, and make it right,

As well as hold my friend tight.

I’ll be their voice, when they can’t speak,

And together, we’ll have strength conceived

I’ll stand by them, through it all,

And I’ll be there, to catch them when they fall.

Because true friends, will never turn away,

And with me by their side, we’ll rise this day.


Angry fists clenched, with a fire in the eyes,

A burning desire, to dominate and rise.

An urge to control, to be on top,

A need to prove oneself, before one drops.

It’s a force that drives us, to be the best,

To rise above the rest, to pass the test.

But when it’s uncontrolled, it’s a dangerous thing,

A force that can cause harm, and make hearts sing.

It’s a feeling that’s hard to tame,

A wild beast that can never be tamed.

It can lead to destruction, and a world in chaos,

It can lead to wars, and to loss.

But when channeled in the right way,

It can lead to great things, and make one sway.

It can be a force for good, and for change,

It can be the spark, that starts the range.

Angry aggression, it’s a two-sided sword,

It can be a blessing or a curse, depending on the horde.

It’s a feeling that’s hard to control,

But with balance, it can lead to greatness and a goal.


Angry cries for justice, echo through the streets,

A call for fairness, a demand for peace.

For too long, the oppressed have been held down,

Their voices silenced, their rights taken from the crown.

But now they rise, with a fire in their hearts,

A burning desire, to make a brand new start.

They march and they protest, they demand to be heard,

For justice and equality, they will fight with every word.

They demand an end to the tyranny and the hate,

A world where everyone is equal, and it’s not too late.

For a better future, for a brighter day,

Where justice reigns, and love is here to stay.

The road is long, and the fight is tough,

But with each step, their determination is enough.

For justice is a thing worth fighting for,

And they will not rest, until it’s done and more.

Angry voices raised, in a united call,

For justice and fairness, to stand tall.

For a world where everyone is equal, and free,

That’s the justice we all long to see.


Anger fuels the fire, that burns within the soul,

A force that can drive us, to reach our goal.

But if left unchecked, it can lead to destruction,

And turn our dreams, into a mere illusion.

But if we learn to channel it, to harness its power,

We can turn that anger, into a magic hour.

We can use it to drive us, to push us to the top,

To turn our anger into a force that cannot be stopped.

So let the anger fuel your drive,

Use it to help you strive.

For success and for greatness,

Let it be the fuel that propels you forward, with steadfastness.

When faced with obstacles, and when met with resistance,

Use that anger to push through, with persistence.

For it’s in the channeling of anger, that we find the strength,

To overcome, and reach any length.

So embrace your anger, and let it be your guide,

Use it to create success, and let your dreams come alive.


Betrayed by friends,

Anger boils in my chest,

Hurt and disappointment,

Fuel my rage, cannot rest.


Unfair treatment,

Makes my blood boil with fury,

Injustice reigns,

Anger is my only ally,

Fighting for what’s right.


Frustrated and stuck,

No way out, no escape,

Anger consumes me,

Helplessness fuels my rage,

No control, only pain.


Insults and taunts,

Hurtful words cut deep,

Anger my armor,

I rise above, they cannot keep,

Me down, with their words.


Powerless and weak,

Anger my only weapon,

Fighting for survival,

Against those who oppress and weaken,

My spirit cannot be broken.


Unfulfilled dreams,

Anger at the universe,

Why is life so cruel?

Why do I have to suffer?

Why can’t I have what I want?


Injustice and hate,

Seeing others suffer,

Anger at the system,

A burning desire to change,

Equality is a must.

Lovers Vail

Lovers vice vail,

Heart broken and shattered,

Anger at the betrayal,

Feeling used and discarded,

Can’t trust anyone anymore.


Feeling unheard,

Anger at being invisible,

Wanting to be seen,

Wanting to be heard,

Wanting to be acknowledged.

Self Anger

Anger towards myself, for mistakes of the past,

For the things I did, and the things I didn’t last.

Regret and guilt, a heavy weight to bear,

A constant reminder, of the person I wasn’t aware.

I lash out at myself, for not being strong,

For not standing up, and speaking my song.

For the times I let fear control,

And the opportunities I let go.

I am angry, at the person I used to be,

For not being who I wanted to be.

For not living up to my own expectations,

And for all the missed opportunities and moments of hesitation.

But I know, that anger is not the way,

To move forward and to find my way.

I must learn to forgive and to let go,

And to be kind to myself, as I continue to grow.

I must learn to channel this anger,

Into motivation, to become a better ranger.

To work on myself, and to strive for change,

And to become the person, I’ve always wanted to be, but never arrange.

Anger society

Anger at society, for the injustices it breeds,

For the way it oppresses, and the way it mislead.

For the way it pits us against each other,

And the way it keeps us from one another.

I am angry, at the way it values wealth over health,

At the way it prioritizes profit over the well-being of oneself.

At the way it creates systems of oppression,

And the way it fails to provide fair access and progression.

I am angry, at the way it divides and labels,

At the way it creates hierarchies and tables.

At the way it perpetuates discrimination,

And the way it fails to promote true integration.

But I know that anger alone, is not enough,

It must be channeled, into action, to make a change, to become rough.

To work towards a better society, for all,

Where everyone is treated fair, and has the opportunity to stand tall.

I must raise my voice, and demand for a change,

I must work towards a world, where everyone can find their range.

Where justice and equality are the norm,

And where love and acceptance, are the societal form.


Anger at adults, for their lack of understanding,

For their inability to see beyond their own command.

For their inability to listen to the youth,

For their lack of empathy and their uncouth.

I am angry, at the way they dismiss our thoughts,

At the way they ignore our concerns, and the way they distort.

At the way they make decisions that affect our future,

Without considering our voice, and our culture.

I am angry, at the way they impose their beliefs,

At the way they fail to educate and to give relief.

At the way they fail to provide guidance and support,

At the way they fail to create a safe environment, to sort.

But I know that anger alone, is not enough,

It must be channeled, into action, to make a change, to become tough.

To raise our voices, to make ourselves heard,

To work towards a future, where our voices are preferred.

Where adults listen and understand,

And where the youth can take a stand.

Where our ideas and concerns are valued,

And where we can make a difference, and be acknowledged.


Ares, god of war,

With anger in his eyes,

He brings destruction,

With his sword and surprise.


Thor, god of thunder,

Anger in his heart,

He wields his hammer,

To tear worlds apart.


Kali, goddess of destruction,

Anger in her soul,

She brings death and chaos,

With her wrath she controls.


Mars, Roman god of war,

Anger in his veins,

He leads the charge,

With his sword and flames.


Shiva, god of destruction,

Anger in his mind,

He brings about change,

With his power combined.


Týr, god of war,

Anger in his voice,

He guides the warriors,

And gives them a choice.


Odin, god among war,

Anger in his eyes,

He leads the battle,

With wisdom and wise.


Bellona, goddess of war,

Anger in her heart,

She brings victory,

With her power and art.


Huitzilopochtli, god of war,

Anger in his spirit,

He defends his people,

With his power and merit.

Ode to Anger

Anger, a force that cannot be tamed,

A fiery emotion, that cannot be claimed.

A feeling that can drive us to our feet,

Or bring us to our knees, in defeat.

Anger, a powerful tool, when used right,

A force that can bring about change, and bring light.

A motivator, that can drive us to do great things,

A catalyst, that can help us spread our wings.

Anger, a feeling that can be harnessed,

A force that can be channeled, and not be wasted.

A powerful emotion, that can be used for good,

A tool that can bring about progress, and make a change, as it should.

But anger, when left unchecked, can lead to harm,

A force that can cause destruction, and cause alarm.

It’s important to understand, and to control,

To channel it for good, and to make our goals.

Anger, a feeling that’s a part of us all,

A force that can be harnessed, to make us stand tall.

A tool that can help us achieve our dreams,

A powerful force, that can bring about change, and it seems.