40 Poems About Seasons


Corn Maze

In the acorn maze I tread,

With my friend by my side,

The path twists and turns ahead,

And I cannot help but hide.

The walls are tall and looming,

And I feel a sense of fear,

But my friend just keeps assuming,

That I’m fine and I’m not queer.

We turn a corner and I see,

A shadowy figure there,

My friend jumps out and screams,

And I scream right back in scare.

But then I realize,

It’s just my friend in disguise,

With a laugh and a smile,

My fear quickly subsides.

We make it through the maze,

With a bond strengthened true,

But I still might give my friend a craze,

The next time they pull a “Boo!”

Pumkin Patch

In the pumpkin patch we’d roam,

With my mother by my side,

The orange globes all aglow,

And I couldn’t help but chide.

The rows of pumpkins tall,

And I’d run ahead in glee,

My mother’s voice would call,

For me to slow and see.

We’d pick the roundest one,

And lug it to the cart,

My mother’s smile would shone,

As we’d make a work of art.

And now, as I look back,

On those days long ago,

I see that pumpkin patch,

And all the love I know.

My mother’s love so dear,

Guided me through the years,

And I’m grateful she was here,

To make those pumpkin patch memories so dear.

Tricker Treating

With my childhood friend by my side,

We’d roam the streets so bright,

Trick-or-treating far and wide,

On Halloween’s spooky night.

Costumes on and bags in tow,

We’d ring doorbells with glee,

Gathering candy as we go,

Our friendship strong and free.

Years passed, and we grew older,

Our bond still strong and true,

And on a beautiful autumn day,

I married my childhood friend, my love grew.

We walked down the aisle,

Hand in hand, side by side,

Vows spoken with a smile,

Our friendship now a bride.

And now, as we raise our own,

To trick-or-treat and roam,

I’m grateful for that Halloween,

When our friendship was sewn.


Oh Thanksgiving, how we adore,

The feast you bring to our door,

A time to gather, near and far,

With loved ones, old and new.

The turkey roasts, the pies are made,

The smells that fill the house invade,

The table’s set, the prayers are said,

Thanksgiving has begun.

The laughter flows, the stories told,

Of memories, both new and old,

A time to give thanks, to reflect,

On all that we’ve been blessed.

With plates piled high, we eat our fill,

And take a moment, to be still,

To give thanks for the food, the love,

And all the gifts above.

Oh Thanksgiving, how we cherish,

The memories you help us nourish,

A time to come together,

And give thanks, forever.

Fallen Aspin

Oh fallen leaves, so golden and bright,

Your colors dance in the autumn light,

Your crisp crunch underfoot,

A symphony of sound.

I wander through the aspen groves,

With friends by my side,

Their laughter echoes,

As we take in the tide.

The leaves rustle,

A melody so sweet,

As the breeze whispers,

A secret to keep.

The gold and orange hues,

A sight to behold,

A canvas of nature,

A story to be told.

We take it all in,

With hearts full of glee,

The memories forever,

Etched in our memory.

Oh fallen leaves, you’ll always be,

A part of me,

A reminder of that autumn day,

When we wandered and played.


Into the haunted house we crept,

With our hearts a-thump,

Ghosts and ghouls and monsters leapt,

In every room and bump.

We ventured through the dark and drear,

With our nerves on edge,

The creatures that we did fear,

Were lurking at each wedge.

We saw a witch with a cackle,

A vampire with a grin,

A mummy with a rattle,

And a zombie with a grin.

But as we walked out into the night,

And the adrenaline subsided,

We laughed and talked about the fright,

And how it was the best Halloween ride.

We agreed that the haunted house was great,

A spine-chilling delight,

And we couldn’t wait,

For next Halloween night.

Fall Sigh

Oh zodiac signs, so full of grace,

Each unique in their own way,

In fall, you shine with your special traits,

And light up the night and day.

Libra, the Scales, with your balance and harmony,

You bring peace to the season’s strife,

With your diplomacy and fairness,

You help us navigate through life.

Scorpio, the Scorpion, with your intensity and passion,

You bring depth to the fall,

With your mysterious and powerful nature,

You keep us on the edge, standing tall.

Sagittarius, the Archer, with your sense of adventure,

You bring excitement to the season,

With your optimism and freedom,

You inspire us to explore new reason.

Oh zodiac signs, how you enrich our lives,

With your unique qualities and traits,

In the fall, you shine like the stars above,

Guiding us through the changing fate.

Falls Dance

The goddess of fall danced with grace,

Beneath the golden trees,

Her colors burst forth in every place,

As the wind blew through the leaves.

The goddess of winter, white as snow,

Danced beside her friend,

Their steps in perfect flow,

Until the very end.

The goddess of fall twirled and spun,

As the wind blew through her hair,

And the goddess of winter smiled and begun

to join her in the air.

They danced and laughed together,

Until the fall goddess grew tired,

And with a final, fleeting feather,

She disappeared, and retired.

The goddess of winter stood alone,

As the wind blew cold and clear,

She knew that fall would soon be gone,

But winter would soon be here.

And so, she danced, and danced, and danced,

Until the snow began to fall,

And with a heart both light and enhanced

She knew that winter had begun, after all.

The goddess of fall and goddess of winter,

Danced together in the night,

Their friendship is forever,

And their beauty is always in sight.


The fields are alive with the colors of fall,

As we harvest the crops with care,

The sun shines bright, but the air is cool,

As we gather the fruits of our labor with flair.

The corn is golden, the stalks are tall,

We cut it down with our trusty knife,

The ears are plump, the kernels are small,

A bounty from the land, free from strife.

The pumpkins are round, and orange and bright,

We lift them gently from the vine,

Their flesh is sweet, their seeds are light,

A symbol of the fall, oh so fine.

The apples are red, and green, and gold,

We pluck them from the tree,

Their taste is crisp, their juice is bold,

A treat for all to see.

The potatoes are brown, and knobby, and rough,

We dig them up from the earth,

Their starch is rich, their flavor is tough,

A staple since the birth.

The beans are long, and green, and slender,

We pick them off the vine,

Their taste is mild, their texture is tender,

A delicious fall-time dine.

The crops are harvested, and the fields are bare,

But the memories of this fall,

Will always be there,

And the bounty will feed us all.

Ode To Fall

Oh fall, how you change the world,

With your crisp and cool air,

The leaves, they swirl and twirl,

In hues of red and gold and fair.

The days grow shorter, the nights grow long,

The sun sets earlier each day,

Nature sings its autumn song,

In every single way.

The apple orchards are ripe with fruit,

Cider mills are in full swing,

The smell of cinnamon and nutmeg,

Makes the senses sing.

The pumpkin patches are a sight,

With their orange orbs aglow,

A perfect place for a day out,

With family and friends to show.

The football games are in full force,

The tailgates, a festive scene,

And all around, the falling leaves,

Are a beautiful and natural screen.

Oh fall, how you bring us joy,

With each and every day,

We’ll cherish the memories,

Of this wonderful season in every way.


Ode To Winter

Oh winter, with your frosty breath,

You blanket the earth in white,

The trees stand bare, stripped of their wreath,

In the still of the cold, dark night.

Your chill invigorates the air,

As the wind howls through the town,

A fresh start, a time of repair,

As the world slows its spinning round.

With skates on feet, we glide on ice,

Or ski down mountain tops,

The cold a welcome sacrifice,

For the thrill of the winter sports.

The fire crackles in the hearth,

As we gather round with friends,

Warmed by stories, laughter, and mirth,

As the snowstorm descends.

Oh winter, you may be harsh,

But your beauty is undeniable,

The sparkling snow, the frozen marsh,

A serene and peaceful scene.

So let us embrace your icy grip,

As we bundle up in layers,

For in your arms, we’ll find a rip,

Of joy in the darkest of days.

Ski Trip

We strap on our skis and boards,

With a smile and a laugh,

Ready to hit the slopes,

And make memories in the aftermath.

We glide down the mountain,

With the wind in our hair,

The snow spraying behind us,

As we carve through the air.

We fall and tumble,

But we get back up,

Laughter filling the air,

As we clink our mugs.

We take breaks and retire,

To the inn by the fire,

Where we warm our hands,

And share stories, our hearts filled with desire.

We reminisce about the day,

As the night wears on,

Feeling grateful for the friends,

We’ve made, and the memories that have just begun.

With the fire crackling and the warmth,

We feel the chill fade away,

Content in the company,

Of the ones we hold dear, to stay.

First Skate

I step out onto the ice,

With wobbly knees and hesitant grace,

My boyfriend’s hand in mine,

A smile on his face.

He guides me round and round,

As I cling to him tight,

His laughter ringing in my ears,

As I learn to skate.

We glide across the frozen pond,

With the moon and stars above,

As I look into his eyes,

I feel my heart fill with love.

I stumble and fall,

But he’s there to catch me,

And I know in that moment,

He’s the one I want to be.

We skate until the stars fade away,

And the sky turns pink and blue,

And I know in my heart,

This is where my love grew.

As we walk hand in hand,

Back to the warmth of home,

I realize he’s taught me,

So much more than just to skate alone.

Snowy Trek

We strap on our snow shoes,

And set out on our quest,

Tracking through the wilderness,

With determination in our breast.

The snow crunches beneath our feet,

As we trudge through the pristine white,

The trees are coated in frost,

A winter wonderland in sight.

The sun glitters on the snow,

As it peeks through the clouds,

And we can’t help but feel small,

In this vast winter shroud.

We push on and on,

Until we reach the peak,

And the view takes our breath away,

A sight that’s truly unique.

The valley below is blanketed,

In a sea of white and blue,

And the mountains rise up,

Like sentinels, to view.

We stand there in awe,

Of the beauty that surrounds,

Knowing that very few,

Will ever see this winter wonderland profound.

With the sun setting, we make our way back

With the memories of this place,

Tucked deep in our hearts,

And a smile on our face.

Our Snow-Day

We bundle up and step outside,

Into the winter’s cold embrace,

With our hearts filled with love,

And a smile on our face.

We gather snow, with our gloves on,

To make the perfect snowman,

With a carrot nose and coal eyes,

And a warm scarf to span.

We build an igloo,

With care and love,

And laugh as we work,

Under the winter’s sky above.

As the day comes to an end,

We cuddle up close,

And remember the fun we had,

As the snow begins to fall.

We fall asleep in each other’s arms,

As the fire crackles and glows,

With the memories of this day,

Tucked deep in our hearts and soul.

The snowman and igloo,

Stand as our winter tale,

A memory of love and laughter,

Our Winter lovers grail.

Goddess of Winter

The goddess of winter,

Sits all alone,

Wrapped in her cloak of snow,

As the wind starts to moan.

But the goddess of spring,

Comes to her side,

And tucks her in gently,

With love as her guide.

They play and they dance,

In the falling snow,

With laughter and joy,

Their hearts aglow.

As the night comes to an end,

The goddess of spring,

Kisses the goddess of winter,

And whispers “sleep tight, my friend”

And with a smile on her face,

The goddess of winter,

Drifts off to dreamland,

With spring by her side forever.

As the seasons come and go,

Their love will never fade,

For the goddess of spring and winter,

Will always be connected and never separate.

Ode To The Holidays

An ode to the winter holidays,

A time of joy and cheer,

With family and friends,

Bringing us all near.

From the start of December,

To the end of January,

There’s always a celebration,

For us all to carry.

First, there’s Advent,

With its candles aglow,

Reminding us of the coming,

Of the baby Jesus we know.

Next, there’s Hanukkah,

With its menorah bright,

A celebration of freedom,

And a victory of light.

Then comes Kwanzaa,

With its seven principles,

A celebration of family,

And cultural reverence.

And finally, there’s Christmas,

With its carols and cheer,

A celebration of love,

And the birth of Jesus dear.

These holidays may vary,

In their traditions and ways,

But they all bring us together,

In love and peace always.

So let us embrace the winter,

And all the holidays it brings,

With open hearts and open minds,

And love that truly rings.

Winter Sighs

An ode to the zodiac signs of Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces,

Three signs that are unique and diverse,

Each one with its own characteristics,

That make them truly diverse.

Capricorn, the determined one,

With a drive for success,

Ambitious and hardworking,

A true leader, no less.

Aquarius, the humanitarian,

With a heart for the greater good,

Innovative and progressive,

Always pushing forward, as it should.

Pisces, the dreamer,

With a heart full of empathy,

Sensitive and intuitive,

A true friend to all, you’ll see.

These three signs,

May seem different at first glance,

But they all share a common trait,

To make a difference in the dance.

Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces,

May your unique traits always shine,

As you navigate through life,

And make a difference, all the time.

Snow Day

A snow day, a day to play,

To frolic and laugh, to enjoy the white way.

The world is blanketed in white,

A winter wonderland, such a delight.

We lace up our boots, and grab our sleds,

Ready to race down the snowy beds.

The snowflakes fall gently from the sky,

As we make snow angels and catch a snowfly.

We build a snowman, tall and round,

And give him a hat and a carrot for a frown.

We throw snowballs and make a fort,

And then we warm up with a steaming mug of hot cocoa and a short.

We go ice skating on the frozen pond,

With the crisp air biting, it’s beyond.

The snow day is coming to an end,

But the memories will stay with us, a dear friend.

With rosy cheeks and noses, we head inside,

To warm up by the fire, feeling satisfied.

We’ll remember this snow day,

With fondness and laughter, it will always stay.

First Winters Kiss

Beneath the stars, on a sleigh ride,

The snow falling gently, a wintery guide.

The horses’ hooves, a steady beat,

As we glide through the snowy street.

Wrapped in blankets, warm and snug,

I look at you, my heart a-thug.

Our eyes meet, and in that moment,

I know what it is that I want.

I lean in, my heart racing fast,

As our lips touch, the feeling, unsurpassed.

The world around us disappears,

As we lose ourselves in this moment of cheer.

The kiss is gentle, yet electric,

A feeling I never thought I’d experience.

As the sleigh ride comes to an end,

I know this is just the beginning of a love to befriend.

Beneath the stars, on a sleigh ride,

I fell in love, and my heart felt like glide.


Ode to Spring

Oh spring, how sweet thy gentle breeze,

That carries with it new life and ease.

The days grow longer, and the sun shines bright,

As the world awakens from its wintery night.

The trees bud forth, with leaves so green,

And flowers bloom, a colorful scene.

The air is filled with birdsong sweet,

And nature’s symphony can’t be beat.

The grass is soft beneath our feet,

As we stroll through the fields, so neat.

The world is alive with energy,

And all around, new growth we see.

Oh spring, how sweet thy gentle breeze,

That brings new hope, and new beginnings please.

With each passing day, we feel renewed,

And in our hearts, spring’s beauty is imbued.

So here’s to spring, with all its grace,

May it bring joy to every single place.

Let us revel in its beauty and its light,

For spring is here, and everything feels right.



At a local community event one day,

I saw a smile that lit up the way,

A stranger I met, with eyes so bright,

And in that moment, my heart took flight.

We talked and laughed, as if we’d known,

Each other for years, no longer alone,

With every word, my heart did soar,

And I knew, from that moment, I’d love her more.

The music played, as we swayed to the beat,

With each other’s arms, we were finally complete,

And as the night went on, I felt so blessed,

To have found the love of my life, at this local fest.

Now every spring, we go back to that place,

To remember the love that’s ours to embrace,

And though the years have flown by so fast,

Our love will always last.

So here’s to the love that we found that day,

At a local community event, in a special way,

May it continue to blossom, and always stay strong,

For the love of my life, I’m so grateful, in this life long.

Spring Concert

The Spring night was bright, the stars did shine,

As we headed out to the concert line,

Our tickets in hand, with joy in our hearts,

Ready to dance and sing with all our parts.

The music was loud, the lights did gleam,

As we sang and danced, as a team,

Our spirits were high, our hearts were light,

And we knew, this night, was going to be just right.

But little did we know, a surprise was in store,

As we met the artist, backstage, to explore,

Their kindness and talent, truly a delight,

And to have a moment, we’ll cherish all our lives.

With autographs and photos, and memories to hold,

We left that concert, feeling bold,

Our hearts were full, our spirits high,

And we knew, this night, we would never die.

So here’s to the concert, the music and friends,

To the memories that never end,

And to the artist, who made it all complete,

For the night we saw them, will always be a treat.


The sun was bright, the air was warm,

As I took on a new challenge, in my garden form,

With seeds and soil, I set out to start,

A place of beauty, to heal my heart.

The soil was tough, the weeds did grow,

And I thought, this gardening, I might not know,

But I persevered, with each day,

And slowly, my garden, did take shape in a new way.

The rain did come, the sun did shine,

And my plants began to grow, so divine,

And though there were days, I felt so low,

I found a love for gardening, that I did not know.

With each blossom, I felt so proud,

And I knew, my hard work, would soon pay out,

For my garden was now, a place of peace,

And I found joy, with each day, that did cease.

So here’s to the garden, the earth and the rain,

To the challenges, that I have now overcome, with a little pain,

And to the love, that I have found,

For gardening, the beauty, that will always astound.

Farmers Market

I’ll admit, I was hesitant, to go to the farmers market,

The thought of crowds, was not something I’d like to target,

But a friend, who was eager, dragged me along,

And before I knew it, my day, was in a beautiful song.

The colors were bright, the smells so sweet,

As I walked through the stalls, with my heart full of heat,

From the fresh produce, to the homemade goods,

I felt like I was in a different world, with a new neighborhood.

I met people, who were kind, with a smile so wide,

Their passion for life, was contagious, I couldn’t hide,

And though I was shy, they welcomed me in,

And I felt like I’d known them, since my childhood, within.

The day was special, I felt so content,

And I knew, that moment, I’d never forget,

For the friends I made, and the memories we share,

Will always be with me, I know, beyond compare.

So here’s to the farmers market, the colors and the sound,

To the friends I made, who lift me off the ground,

And to the memories, that I’ll always hold dear,

For that day, at the market, is a moment I hold so near.

Spring Clean

The air was crisp, the sun so bright,

As I tackled the task, of a long-awaited spring cleaning sight,

The mess was overwhelming, the dust was so high,

And I thought, this might be a task, I’ll regret, with a sigh.

But with each item, I cleared away,

I felt a weight, lift off my chest, in a new way,

The clutter was gone, the spaces were bare,

And I knew, my home, was now, a place of care.

The windows were open, the breeze was so cool,

And the sound of silence, made my heart full,

The colors were brighter, the spaces so wide,

And I felt, so much better, now that my home was clean inside.

So here’s to the spring cleaning, the dust and the mess,

To the transformation, that brought happiness,

And to the feeling, of a home, so bright,

For now, I can relax, in a space, that feels just right.

New recipe

The air was warm, the sun so bright,

As I entered the kitchen, with a new delight,

A seasonal ingredient, that I’d never used before,

And I was eager, to try something new, and explore.

With each chop, I felt so bold,

And the fragrance, filled the room, with a story untold,

And as I mixed, and stirred with care,

I felt, a new creation, was taking shape, beyond compare.

The timer beeped, and I took a taste,

And my eyes lit up, as I savored, the flavors in my place,

For it was delicious, and so fresh and new,

And I knew, that this recipe, was a treasure, for me and for you.

So here’s to the spring ingredient, the new recipe, that’s born,

To the flavors and fragrances, that make my heart warm,

And to the joy, of creating something new,

For in the kitchen, my love for cooking, shines bright, like the morning dew.

Road Trip

The road ahead was long and wide,

As I set out, on a spring road trip, to escape, and hide,

From the daily grind, and the worries of life,

And to find, a moment of peace, away from the strife.

The scenery was breathtaking, with hills so green,

And the flowers in bloom, were a sight, so serene,

With each turn, I felt my heart lift,

And I knew, that this trip, was a much-needed gift.

The music played, and I sang along,

As I drove, through the countryside, with a heart full and strong,

And though I was alone, I felt so free,

For this road trip, was all about, just me.

So here’s to the spring road trip, the escape that I found,

To the moments of peace, that I will always have around,

And to the memories, that I’ll cherish so dear,

For this road trip, was a journey, of self-discovery, and cheer.


The water was wild, with a rush and a roar,

As we set out, on a kayaking adventure, with friends, and so much more,

The white water was churning, with a power so true,

And I felt, my heart race, as we paddled on, through.

The sun was shining, and the sky so blue,

And with each dip, and turn, I felt, my spirits anew,

For the thrill of the ride, was a rush like no other,

And I was grateful, for this chance, to kayak, with friends, like a lover.

We laughed, and cheered, and paddled so strong,

As we braved the rapids, and glided along,

And though there were challenges, we faced them with grace,

For together, we were a team, with a bond, that no one could replace.

So here’s to the kayaking, the white water, so bold,

To the memories, that we’ll hold, in our hearts, so cold,

And to the friends, that made this journey, so sweet,

For this kayaking trip, was a ride, so wild, and so complete.


The morning was fresh, and the sky so bright,

As I set out, on a birdwatching quest, with delight,

The birds were singing, and the air so sweet,

And I felt, my heart lift, with each new bird, I would meet.

I searched, and I searched, through the woods and the fields,

And the colors and patterns, were so many and real,

And then I saw it, a flash of bright blue,

A rare bird, easily seen, in the spring, it was true.

The bird was magnificent, with feathers so fine,

And I felt, a thrill, as I watched, it soar, so divine,

For I had never seen, a bird, so rare and so bright,

And I was grateful, for this moment, so full of light.

So here’s to the birdwatching, the rare bird, in sight,

To the moments, that we’ll hold, in our hearts, so bright,

And to the beauty, of the spring, and its wonders so grand,

For this birdwatching trip, was a journey, so close to hand.

Spring Sighs

Three zodiac signs, with stories untold

Aries, Taurus, and Gemini bold

Each with a character unique and bright

A cosmic tapestry woven with light

Aries, the Ram, impulsive and brave

With a fire in their soul, a desire to pave

Taurus, the Bull, steadfast and true

With a heart of gold, a love for the hue

Gemini, the Twins, curious and bright

With a thirst for knowledge, an unquenchable light

From the mind to the heart, their journey unwinds

A cosmic yin and yang, two sides of the same mind

Together they form a cosmic trio

Each with a story, each with its own glow

A tapestry of life, a celestial show

So let us celebrate these signs and their glow.


Ode to Summer

Summer, oh Summer, how we adore,

Your warmth, your sunshine, and so much more,

With your long days, and golden hues,

You bring us joy, and peace, and laughter too.

You are a season, so full of life,

With green grass, and blooming flowers, so bright,

And the sweet scent, of fresh summer air,

That fills our lungs, with happiness, beyond compare.

Oh Summer, you are a time for fun,

With swimming, and playing, and basking in the sun,

For cookouts, and picnics, and ice cream cones,

For memories made, with friends and family, so dear.

You are a time, for adventure too,

For traveling, and exploring, and seeing something new,

And for moments, that will be forever remembered,

With a smile, and a heart, so full, and so tended.

Oh Summer, how we love, your sweet embrace,

And how you bring, so much joy, to our days,

So here’s to you, our beloved Summer friend,

For all the happiness, you bring, until the very end.


The botanical gardens, a place of peace,

Where nature’s beauty, is never ceased,

A place where flowers, of every hue,

Bloom, in abundance, and delight anew.

I walked through rows, of vibrant green,

And gazed, in wonder, at every scene,

For each step I took, was a feast, for the eyes,

And I felt, as though, I was soaring, up to the skies.

And then I saw it, a plant so rare,

With petals, of blue, and a fragrance so fair,

The Waling-Waling, a sight to behold,

A beauty so rare, that never grows old.

The Waling-Waling, a symbol of grace,

A flower, that shines, in this botanical space,

And I stood, in awe, of its wondrous allure,

And felt, a deep joy, that would forever endure.

So here’s to the botanical gardens, a place of delight,

Where nature’s beauty, shines, in its full light,

And to the Waling-Waling, a flower so rare,

A treasure, that brings, such beauty, and such care.

Star Gazing

Summer nights, along the Florida coast,

Where stars twinkle, and the waves gently boast,

With you by my side, I feel so complete,

As we gaze at the sky, and the stars so sweet.

The sea, a canvas, of darkness and light,

Reflecting the stars, in a beautiful sight,

And as we lay, on the soft sandy shore,

We marvel, at the beauty, that lies in store.

The constellations, a map in the sky,

With Orion, and Cassiopeia, passing by,

And the Milky Way, a river of stars,

That sparkles, and shines, like a dream from afar.

Oh how I love, these summer nights, with you,

As we bask, in the beauty, of all that’s true,

With each shooting star, a wish we make,

For love, and joy, that will never fade.

So here’s to us, and these summer nights,

Where the stars and the sea, unite,

In a symphony, of beauty and grace,

And the memories, we make, in this wondrous place.


The sun shines bright, on this summer day,

As we gather, our friends, to come out to play,

We gather our grills, and our tongs and our spices,

And set off, to gather, all the ingredients for our barbecues.

The coals are lit, and the flame starts to grow,

As we lay out our meats, and our veggies, just so,

And the scent, of grilling, begins to fill the air,

As laughter and chatter, fill our ears with care.

And as we cook, and we taste, and we share,

We revel, in the joy, of being together, and aware,

Of the love, that surrounds us, in this special place,

And the memories, we’re making, at a brisk pace.

And as the night goes on, and the stars come out,

We linger, by the grill, and the fire burns loud,

With stories, and songs, and laughter and cheer,

And the warmth of the night, drawing us ever near.

So here’s to the barbecue, and the friends we share,

And the memories, we make, with love, and care,

And to the joy, of summer nights, so bright,

Where we bask, in the glow, of the firelight.

Motorcycle ride

With the wind in our hair, and the sun at our backs,

We set off, on a journey, that never lacks,

In adventure, and excitement, and beauty untold,

As we rent a motorcycle, and take to the road.

With you by my side, my love, and my friend,

I know, that this journey, will have no end,

Of memories, and laughter, and moments so bright,

As we travel, across this great land, into the sunset light.

We ride, through mountains, and valleys, and streams,

And the countryside, ablaze, with colors and dreams,

Of freedom, and passion, and love that endures,

As we share, this journey, with you, my love, and yours.

And as the day turns to night, and the stars come out,

We stop, at a quiet place, and we shout,

With joy, at the beauty, of this wondrous sight,

And the love, that we share, in this summer light.

So here’s to the journey, and the memories we make,

And the love, that will last, for all time’s sake,

And to the sunset, that guides us, with its golden light,

As we ride, into the future, with you, my love, my delight.


With sand between our toes, and the sea at our feet,

We stroll, along the shore, our love, so sweet,

With laughter, and splashing, and kisses so bright,

As the sun sets, on this summer night.

We feel, the warmth, of the sun, on our skin,

And the wind, in our hair, as we dance, and spin,

With joy, in our hearts, and love in our eyes,

As we kiss, under the summer skies.

The waves, crash, against the shore, with a roar,

As we play, like children, forevermore,

With sandcastles, and frisbees, and shells in our hand,

In this place, where our love, first began.

And as the day turns to night, and the stars come out,

We hold, each other tight, and we shout,

With happiness, at the beauty, of this wondrous sight,

And the love, that we share, in this summer light.

So here’s to the beach, and the memories we make,

And the love, that will last, for all time’s sake,

And to the sunset, that guides us, with its golden light,

As we dance, in the waves, with you, my love, my delight.

Hot Air Ballon

Soaring high above the clouds, with the sun on my face,

I challenge my fear, of this daunting place,

With the wind, at my back, and my heart in my hand,

I take to the skies, on this hot air balloon stand.

I feel, the heat, of the flame, as it lifts me so high,

And the view, from above, as I reach for the sky,

With wonder, in my heart, and courage in my soul,

I face, my fear, and I make it my goal.

To rise, above it all, and to see, from on high,

The beauty, of the world, from this bird’s-eye,

With the fields, and the rivers, and mountains below,

I marvel, at the sight, and I let my spirit glow.

And as I look down, at the world, from my perch,

I feel, my fear, fade, and a newfound sense of worth,

For I’ve challenged myself, and I’ve faced my fright,

In this hot air balloon, on this summer night.

So here’s to the skies, and the courage within,

And the strength, to rise, and to take flight, again,

And to the summer sun, that shines down on us all,

As we soar, above the world, Heart Stalled.

God of Summer

In a world, of beauty, and life, where the seasons play,

The gods, of spring and summer, did battle, one day,

With the sound, of their voices, and the strength, in their limbs,

They wrestled, in the arena, with no thought, of defeat, or win.

Spring, with his gentle voice, and the light, in his eyes,

Challenged Summer, with a roar, and the sun, in his skies,

With the power, of the storm, and the light, of the day,

Summer, took to the arena, with a spirit, fierce, and gay.

And so, they battled, with a fury, like no other fight,

With the power, of the earth, and the might, of the light,

And as the sun, beat down, and the winds, began to blow,

Summer, rose to the challenge, and he began to grow.

With a strength, like no other, and a power, pure and bright,

Summer, fought with all his might, and he took to the fight,

And with a roar, like thunder, and the power, of the sun,

He defeated, the god of spring, and he was the champion.

And so, Summer, reigns supreme, with a heart, full of pride,

With the sun, at his back, and the wind, by his side,

And as the world, comes alive, with the warmth, of the sun,

Summer, reigns, as the victor, of this battle, now done.

Summer Sighs

Four zodiac signs, unique in their ways

Gemini, Cancer, Leo, and Virgo blaze

Each with a personality all their own

A cosmic tapestry, a celestial throne

Gemini, the Twins, curious and bright

With a love for change and a thirst for light

Cancer, the Crab, emotional and strong

With a heart that beats like a summer song

Leo, the Lion, bold and grandiose

With a fire in their soul that truly glows

And Virgo, the Maiden, practical and wise

With a quest for knowledge that never dies

Together they create a beautiful sight

A mosaic of traits, a celestial light

Each with a story, a journey untold

Together they form a symphony, bold

So let us celebrate these signs of the sky

And honor the gifts they bring to our lives

For they are a reminder of who we are

A celestial treasure, a guiding star.