21 Poems About The Beach

Beach Fun

Waves crash on shore sand

Packed bags to get a tan

Bridge the ice and snacks

And the speakers, listen to favorite bands

Make a tower, Grip a hand full

In the nooks and nails

Give your friend a pull

In to the ocean, set sail

Gracing salt on your lips

Water splashed with hand and fist

Get them back laugh out loud

Sink down, be a shark and pounce

Sun Scorching a path to afternoon sky

Called in to say the ocean and fun goodbye

Sand kinging on, just one more hour

Sun set flower, washed away our mounds and towers

Black Sand

Black sand Lost

Where am I fog tastes the brush

Out to the waves froth

To ice ground an crushed

Each step powdered obsidian

Bloody tracks vampier tax

Onto the step off the meridian

Divide, find one for the body cast


Ball up Ball down

Pass here over net

Feet dig in sand, jump, pound

Move right to left

Heated match

Friend on one side to other

Last of many chances

Spike the ball hand as the ruder

Make way for a dive

Face full of grit

In the air, the ball is live

Get it before they get it

Fight to the last

Air escaping our lungs

Thinks fast!

We won the last run


Dragged away

Away from the plan

The stuff the toys the food stand

Into the ocean

One look at you

One step one pull us two

Arms around your neck

Pull on your hair a tad

For a kiss, a night, a Dance, we match

Shaved Ice

A cut little by little

Watching pull you close

Until a mound of snow is drisled

You could taste the coast

By our pinky’s tethered

Licked our ice,

 but mind another

catch who looked twice

come sit and watch the sunset

started apart and closed in

tingles, arm around it

lean in for a kiss, by our stars, match it

Ode to the Beach

Oh, beach! The epitome of peace and calm,

Where the sun shines bright and the sea’s an anthem.

With your sand so warm and your waves so grand,

You hold a place in my heart, oh, so close and hand.

With each step I take, I feel my worries drift,

As I’m lost in your beauty, my soul begins to lift.

The salty air that I breathe, a soothing balm,

The gentle breeze that carries my worries away, with palm.

Your sound, the ebb and flow of the tide,

A melody that sends me on a journey, so wide.

The seagulls that call, their voices so bright,

A symphony that fills the air, a delight.

Oh, how I long to bask in your warmth,

To bask in the sun, to chase away the storm.

To feel the waves brush against my skin,

A connection to nature, pure and within.

So here I stand, in awe of your grandeur,

In a moment of peace, I bask in your splendor.

You are my refuge, my solace, my friend,

Oh, beach! My love for you will never end.


The shore, once marred by trash and debris,

A place where nature’s beauty couldn’t be.

But with a heart full of love and a will so strong,

I vowed to clean up this place where I belong.

So I grabbed my gloves, and I picked up my trash bag,

And with each piece I threw away, I felt a surge of pride.

For I knew that I was making a difference, small but true,

In the fight against pollution and the quest for a cleaner view.

And as I worked, with a smile on my face,

I met someone special, who shared in my grace.

With a heart so kind and a passion so pure,

We found love in the sand, as we worked to secure.

The shore, now clean and filled with new life,

A place of beauty and joy, without any strife.

And as I walk along the shore, hand in hand with my love,

I know that our efforts made a difference, from the heavens above.

So let us all take a lesson from this tale,

That with a little love and a lot of effort, we can prevail.

For the beauty of our world is ours to keep,

And with each step we take, we can clean our shore and our streets.

One wave

The waves, they crash and roar with might,

A challenge for a surfer, day or night.

With a board beneath my feet, I paddle out to sea,

In search of the perfect wave, that’s waiting just for me.

I watch and wait, with each swell that passes by,

Hoping to catch a glimpse, of the wave that I won’t defy.

But time and time again, I miss my chance,

Struggling to catch the wave, as it dances out of reach, I dance.

My arms grow tired, my heart begins to tire,

But I won’t give up, my resolve, it won’t expire.

For I know that the perfect wave is out there,

And with each attempt, I’ll get closer, I’ll share.

And then, at last, I see it rise,

A wall of water, with a curve so bright.

I paddle with all my might, with a burst of speed,

And as I stand, I feel the rush, of pure and utter bliss, indeed.

The wind, it whistles past my ears,

As I carve and ride, with no worries or fears.

The sun, it shines, and the water sparkles,

And in that moment, I know, that my surfing heart, it sparkles.

So let us never give up, on our quest for the wave,

For with patience and perseverance, we will find a way.

For surfing is not just a sport, but a journey too,

And when we find the perfect wave, our hearts will sing anew.


The sandy shore stretches far and wide,

With crystal clear waters, so tranquil and bright.

Palm trees sway, a gentle breeze blows,

Welcome to the beach, where peace overflows.


The cliffs stand tall, a sight to behold,

The sea crashes against the rocks, so bold.

Wildflowers bloom, the air is so sweet,

A peaceful retreat, so unique, complete.


The beach is alive, with laughter and fun,

The sandcastles built, a masterpiece under the sun.

Children play, families gather round,

A perfect place, where joy knows no bounds.


The dunes rise high, a sea of golden sand,

The ocean breeze, a gentle touch, so grand.

The sun sets slow, painting the sky with hues,

A tranquil escape, so pure, so true.

Rich and Dark

The black sand beach, so rich and dark,

A sight to behold, with a stark beauty mark.

Volcanic rocks line the shore, so rough,

A place of contrasts, that’s full of rough.


The coves so small, with turquoise waters bright,

A secluded gem, so tranquil, so right.

The cliffs stand tall, a natural shield,

A secret paradise, where peace is revealed.


The beach so long, with sand that sparkles,

The waves so strong, with a rhythmic sparkles.

Surfers ride the waves, a sight to see,

A place of adventure, so wild, so free.


The tide pools, a world of life, so rich,

A hidden gem, with wonders, so unique.

Crabs scuttle, sea stars shine,

A place of discovery, so pure, so fine.


The rocky shore, with cliffs that soar,

The sea mist rises, a sight to explore.

Seabirds cry, their calls, so wild,

A place of power, so rugged, so mild.


The beach so calm, with gentle waves,

The sand so soft, with a soothing way.

The sun shines bright, and the sky is blue,

A place of peace, where dreams come true.

Beach Night

We set up camp, beside the shore,

The sound of waves, a lullaby to roar.

With laughter and love, we pitched our tents,

And with friends beside us, our spirits were content.

We gathered around the campfire’s glow,

With sticks in hand, and marshmallows to roast.

We talked and laughed, until late at night,

And with each moment, our memories took flight.

We made s’mores, with chocolate and graham,

And as we munched, our spirits were calm.

The stars above, twinkled like diamonds bright,

And with each moment, our memories took flight.

The sea was calm, and the night was still,

And in that moment, we felt an endless thrill.

The fire crackled, and the waves gently crashed,

And in that moment, our hearts were fully smashed.

So we savored the moment, and all that it brought,

And as we drifted off to sleep, we thought.

That this was a memory, we would never forget,

A night of camping, beside the sea, so set.

And even as time, goes marching on,

This memory, will always live on.

Of a night by the beach, with friends by our side,

And the warmth of a campfire, our hearts, it did bide.


I was lost at sea, so far from land,

With nothing but waves, and sand.

Drifted for days, with no end in sight,

Feeling hopeless, with nothing but fright.

The sun beat down, and the winds blew strong,

With no hope of rescue, for far too long.

I prayed for a savior, a ray of hope,

And with each passing day, my spirit felt low.

But then one day, a ship appeared,

With a flag flying high, and a crew so cheered.

I signaled for help, with a flare so bright,

And in that moment, my heart took flight.

They pulled me aboard, and took me in,

With kindness and care, that eased my pain.

And as we sailed away, from that desert isle,

I felt a deep gratitude, that lasted a while.

So I’ll always remember, that fateful day,

When I was rescued, and led away.

From a lonely beach, on a desert isle,

To a life of safety, with love and a smile.

We Meet

Beneath the sun, and with sand between my toes,

I walked the shore, with a heart that glowed.

The sea was calm, and the sky was clear,

And in that moment, my life was so near.

I saw a figure, walking down the shore,

With a smile so bright, it lit up the shore.

And as our eyes met, I felt a spark,

A connection so strong, it left me in the dark.

We talked and laughed, as the waves rolled in,

And with each moment, our hearts began to spin.

The sun was setting, and the sky ablaze,

And in that moment, our future, we gazed.

We knew, in that moment, our lives were changed,

With a love so pure, it could not be estranged.

And as we walked away, hand in hand,

We knew, we’d found something, so rare and so grand.

So now, as we look back, on that day by the sea,

We smile and remember, the way it used to be.

When we first met, and our hearts were set,

On a love so strong, it will last us yet.