23 Poems About Home


The aroma fills the air,

A mixture sweet and rich.

With love and care, I mix and stir,

And bake until they’re done.

The ingredients, simple and few,

Flour, sugar, butter too.

A touch of vanilla, a pinch of salt,

And chocolate chips, a perfect jolt.

The dough is soft, the kitchen’s warm,

I roll it out, then form.

Each cookie with a gentle press,

And in the oven they’ll soon impress.

I wait in joy and eagerness,

For what will soon be happiness.

And when they’re done, I take a peak,

Golden brown and oh so sweet!

The tray is taken out with care,

And placed on counter, over there.

I can’t resist, I take a bite,

And savor every crumb and sight.

Homemade cookies, full of love,

A treat from heaven, sent from above.

A moment’s peace, a moment’s bliss,

With every bite, I can’t resist.

New Home

A new beginning, a fresh start,

The keys to my own home, in my heart.

A place to call my very own,

Where memories will be sown.

The search was long, the journey tough,

But now I’ve found the place that’s enough.

A place to laugh, a place to cry,

Where I can spread my wings and fly.

The walls are blank, waiting to be filled,

With pictures, paintings, and memories that will build.

A place to host, to entertain,

Where laughter echoes through the rain.

The yard is big, the sky is blue,

With endless possibilities, just waiting for me and you.

A garden to tend, a swing to sway,

Where time will pass in sweet display.

Coming home

The journey is long, the road is winding,

But my heart is light, my spirit un-binding.

For I am headed to a place so dear,

Where memories are made, and love is near.

The smell of cinnamon, the sound of laughter,

A feeling of warmth, like a comforting sweater.

The fire is crackling, the tree aglow,

As I am surrounded by those I love and know.

The stories are told, the jokes are silly,

And for a moment, life seems so thrilly.

We share a meal, we share a cheer,

And I am filled with gratitude and good cheer.

Being here with family, in this place,

Brings comfort and peace, a smile on my face.

For home is where the heart is, they say,

And my heart is overflowing, in this place I lay.

The memories we make, they’ll last a life,

And in my heart, they’ll always reside.

For this is where I feel most free,

With my family, during the holidays, home is where I want to be.

Finding Home

The search was long, the path was winding,

But then I found you, and my heart was binding.

A feeling of comfort, a feeling so right,

Like coming home, to a warm and cozy light.

With you, I am myself, no need to pretend,

With you, I can let my guard down, and just be.

And when I am with you, I feel so free,

Like I have come home, to where I’m meant to be.

The laughter we share, the memories we make,

The way your eyes light up, every time I say “take”.

And in your arms, I feel so safe and sound,

Like the world outside, can’t bring us down.

With you, I am whole, I am complete,

And I know that our love, will forever be.

For when I am with you, I am home,

And I never want to leave this place I’ve known.

So here’s to you, my love, my home,

The one who has made my heart whole and known.

Forever by my side, you’ll always be,

The missing piece, that completed me.

Making a Home

It starts with a blank canvas, walls so bare,

A shell of a place, without a care.

But with each step, a transformation begins,

And soon the space, takes on a personality that wins.

A coat of paint, a piece of art,

A lamp that casts a warm and cozy light.

A rug that softens, a sofa that invites,

And suddenly the room comes to life.

The kitchen is a hub, a place to gather,

A place to cook, to laugh, to chatter.

And when the meal is done, the table is cleared,

And stories are told, and memories are shared.

The bedrooms are a refuge, a place to rest,

Where the worries of the day can be suppressed.

With pillows, blankets, and curtains that frame,

A place of peace, where dreams can reign.

With each new addition, the home transforms,

And suddenly it feels like it’s been yours for so long.

A place of comfort, a place of love,

A dwelling transformed into a home from above.

So take the time, make it your own,

And fill it with memories that will always be shown.

For a house is just a structure, but a home is made,

By the love that you put into it, and the memories that stay.

My Home

I’ve been here for years, through sunshine and rain,

A silent witness, to laughter and pain.

I’ve seen babies born, and children grow,

Their footsteps echoing, as they come and go.

I’ve felt the joy, when the family grows,

With each new arrival, my walls aglow.

The sound of giggles, and tiny feet,

Filling my halls, with the sound so sweet.

The rooms once empty, now overflow,

With toys and books, and laughter aglow.

And as the family grows, so do I,

Expanding my space, to accommodate their love and tie.

I’ve felt the warmth, of a family’s embrace,

The love that fills this place.

And in my walls, the memories stay,

Of birthdays, holidays, and milestones each day.

I’ve seen the children grow up and depart,

But their love remains, within my heart.

And as new generations come to call,

I am here, their home, standing tall.

For a home is not just a structure of brick and stone,

It’s a place of love, where memories are grown.

And I am proud, to be a part,

Of this growing family, that calls me home, heart to heart.


Snuggled up with a book,

Quiet moments spent alone,

A chance to escape,

Into a world unknown,

The comfort of being home.


Baking treats in the kitchen,

The smell of sugar and spice,

Creating memories,

With family and with friends,

A sweet moment in life.

Glass of Vine

Pouring a glass of wine,

Unwinding after a long day,

The warmth of the fire,

In the company of a loved one,

Peaceful moments at home, they say.


A movie night on the couch,

Popcorn and laughter abound,

The escape from reality,

Into a world of fantasy,

Making memories with those around.


A puzzle to solve,

Mind engaged in the task,

The satisfaction of completion,

With each piece fitting just right,

A fun and creative way to relax.


A game night with family,

Laughs and competition,

Bonding over friendly matches,

Winning or losing with grace,

Making memories with a smile, a true tradition.


Painting with watercolors,

Expressing creativity,

The colors blend and flow,

Transforming paper into a work of art,

A peaceful escape, through art’s serenity.


A yoga session,

Breathing, stretching and relaxing,

Finding inner peace,

The quiet of the mind and soul,

The comfort of home, it’s a healing.


A gardening project,

Planting, nurturing and growing,

The beauty of nature,

In the yard or on a windowsill,

Bringing life and joy to your home, a flow.


A candlelit bath,

Relaxing in warm water,

Letting go of stress,

The soft glow and gentle scent,

Comforts the body and soul, it’s pure.

Lake House

Nestled beside a tranquil lake,

My home stands strong and proud.

The water’s gentle ripples,

A serene and soothing sound.

The family loves to gather,

In this peaceful place,

And spend warm summer afternoons,

With the sun upon their face.

We take our boat out on the lake,

And glide across the blue,

With laughter and conversation,

As we take in the view.

The sound of the water lapping,

Against the boat’s hull,

A gentle rhythm, like a lullaby,

That soothes and makes us feel full.

We cast our lines, and wait for a bite,

As we bask in the sunshine,

And watch the clouds roll by.

And as the day comes to an end,

And the sun starts to dip,

We head back to our home,

And make memories on this trip.

For this house beside the lake,

Is more than just a dwelling,

It’s a place of love and joy,

Where memories are swelling.

So here’s to our home by the lake,

A place we’re proud to call ours,

Where family and friends gather,

And happy memories are ours.

Ode To Home

Oh home, where memories are made,

A place of love and comfort,

Where we laugh, and cry, and play,

And find solace from the world.

A place of warmth and safety,

Where we can be ourselves,

Where the walls and roof embrace us,

And keep us from the shelves.

A place where we can create,

And let our imaginations soar,

Where we can dance, and sing, and play,

And live life to the core.

A place that holds our memories,

Of laughter, love and joy,

Where we can look back, and see,

The moments that we’ve enjoyed.

Oh home, you are a sanctuary,

A haven from the world,

Where we can rest and recharge,

And let our spirits unfurl.

So here’s to you, oh home,

The place where we belong,

Where we can be surrounded,

By love, and laughter, and song.

Secret Room

As I walked through the old Victorian home,

I marveled at its grandeur and its charm.

The wooden floors creaked beneath my feet,

And the air was filled with a hint of old.

I wandered through the halls,

And gazed upon the antique furniture,

And as I turned a corner,

I saw a door that I had not seen before.

I pushed it open, and to my surprise,

I found a secret room, concealed from sight.

Its walls were lined with books and trinkets,

And the air was still, as if time had stopped.

I marveled at the beauty of this place,

A hidden gem, unknown to many.

I sat down in a chair and closed my eyes,

And let my mind wander, free and easy.

And as I sat there, I felt a sense of peace,

A quiet calm that filled my soul.

And I realized that this secret room,

Was a place where I could find a hold.

So I stayed there for a while,

And took in all the beauty around me.

And I felt so grateful to have found,

This secret room, in this old Victorian home, you see.

Magic Study

In my study at home, I delve into the unknown,

With books and scrolls and jars of strange ingredients,

I seek to uncover magic’s secrets, all alone.

I light the candles, and the room glows with a warm light,

And I sit at my desk, with my eyes fixed on the page,

With the quill in my hand, and the ink ready to write.

I study ancient spells, and try to decipher codes,

And as I delve deeper, I feel a thrill of excitement.

For I know that in this room, anything can unfold.

And then, as I turn the page, I see something strange,

A symbol I’ve never seen, with a power that calls to me.

And I feel my heart race, as I begin to arrange,

The ingredients, the words, and the gestures just right.

I whisper the incantation, and the room starts to hum,

With a power that I’ve never felt before.

And as the magic builds, I feel my heart succumb,

To the wonder and mystery of what lies in store.

And then, with a flash, it all comes into view,

A secret, a knowledge, a power beyond compare.

And I feel awed and humbled, as I realize anew,

That magic still holds its secrets, waiting to share.

All The Home Things

Home is where the heart is, a place of love and light,

A place where memories are made, and laughter fills the night.

It’s where the walls embrace you, and the roof keeps you warm,

Where you feel safe and secure, from any storm.

It’s where the pictures on the walls, tell the story of your life,

And the books on the shelves, offer solace from strife.

It’s where the scents of cooking, and the sounds of laughter mix,

And where you find comfort, when you need to escape the tricks.

It’s where the cozy couch, beckons you to rest,

And where the soft bed, gives you a good night’s rest.

It’s where the yard is filled, with flowers in bloom,

And where the breeze carries, the sweet scent of perfume.

It’s where the laughter of children, fills the air,

And where the love of family, makes you feel like you’re there.

It’s where you can be yourself, and let your guard down,

And where you find comfort, in a familiar sound.

So here’s to all the things, that make home feel like home,

The little things that make it special, and the moments that are known.

For home is where the heart is, and that’s a truth we hold dear,

And we’re grateful for all the things, that make it a place to be near.


The wind howls outside, and the snowflakes swirl and dance,

As the winter blizzard rages, with a vengeance and a chance.

But inside, I’m snuggled up, with a warm blanket and a book,

Feeling cozy and content, in this nook.

The fire crackles in the fireplace, and the candles flicker bright,

Filling the room with warmth, and a soft and golden light.

And I bask in the comfort, of this moment in time,

With a feeling of contentment, that is truly divine.

The tea in my cup, is hot and steamy, with a hint of spice,

And it warms me from the inside, as I sip it nice and slow.

And I listen to the music, of the storm outside,

And I’m grateful for this moment, of peace and quiet inside.

So I snuggle up, and I let my mind wander,

To all the things I’m thankful for, and to all that I’ll encounter.

And I know that this moment, of stillness and serenity,

Is a gift that I’ll treasure, for all eternity.

So here’s to the warmth of home, and to the comfort it brings,

To the joy of being snuggled up, in the midst of winter’s wings.

For home is where the heart is, and that’s where I want to be,

Snuggled up in the warmth, of this cozy place and me.


Exhausted after work, I trudge along the way,

My mind and body weary, from the demands of the day.

But then I think of home, and my spirits start to lift,

As I imagine the comfort, of a warm and cozy gift.

I think of the soft bed, that awaits me at the end,

And the peace and quiet, that I’ll find as I pretend.

I think of the sounds of silence, and the warmth of the fire,

And the comfort of being surrounded, by the ones I admire.

I think of the moments, when I’ll sit and just unwind,

With a book in my hands, and my thoughts in peace confined.

And I feel the weight of the day, start to slip away,

As I imagine the comfort, that awaits me at home to stay.

So I quicken my pace, and I make my way back home,

To the place where I’m loved, and where I’m never alone.

And I bask in the comfort, of this place that’s so dear,

And I’m grateful for this moment, that I’ve held so near.

So here’s to the comfort of home, and the peace that it brings,

To the joy of being exhausted, and still feeling the wings.

For home is where the heart is, and that’s where I want to be,

Resting my weary bones, in this place of peace and glee.