23 Aunt Poems

To Have an Aunt

An aunt, a special kind of love,

A gift from above.

She’s the one who’s always there,

To show she cares.

With a smile and a gentle touch,

She’s the one who loves so much.

She’s the one who’s always kind,

With a heart that’s pure and one of a kind.

She’s the one who tells the tales,

Of far-off lands and whales.

She’s the one who listens too,

To all I say and do.

She’s the one who dries my tears,

And chase away my fears.

With her love and her wisdom too,

She guides me and I know what to do.

An aunt, a special kind of love,

A gift from above.

She’s the one who’s always there,

To show she cares.

She’s the one who makes the world a better place,

With her love and her gentle grace.

I’m so lucky to have an aunt like her,

With her love and guidance, I will always prefer.

Fun Aunt

Fun aunt, a special kind of love,

A second mother from above.

She’s the one who lets you be,

The one who sets you free.

She lets you take risks and make mistakes,

Without fear of reprimand or heartbreak.

She’s the one who’s always there,

To lend a listening ear, to show she cares.

She’s the one you can confide in,

The one who’ll always be your friend.

She’s the one who’ll let you be,

The truest version of yourself, and let you free.

She’s the one who’ll take you out,

For ice cream, or a movie, or a scout.

She’s the one who’ll let you stay up late,

And laugh with you, and make memories great.

An aunt, a special kind of love,

A second mother from above.

She’s the one who lets you be,

The one who sets you free.

Adventures Aunt

An adventurer bold,

With stories to be told.

She’s traveled far and wide,

With stories to share, and never to hide.

She’s climbed mountains high,

And swam in oceans deep and wide.

She’s sailed the seas, and explored the land,

With an open heart, and an open hand.

She’s seen the world, and all its wonder,

And shared it all, like thunder.

She’s lived a life, full of surprise,

And captured it all, before it dies.

She’s an aunt, a true inspiration,

With stories of adventure, and imagination.

She’s the one you look up to,

And tells you that you can do anything you want to.

An aunt, an adventurer bold,

With stories to be told.

She’s lived a life, full of wonder,

And shared it all, like thunder.

Eclectic Soul

An aunt, an eclectic soul,

With stories to be told.

She’s lived a life, full of surprise,

With a unique perspective, and open eyes.

She’s traveled far and wide,

With stories to share, and never to hide.

She’s seen the world, and all its wonder,

And captured it all, before it dies.

She’s an artist, a poet, and a dancer,

With a passion for life, and a sense of adventure.

She’s a collector of memories,

And a lover of all things unique and diverse.

She’s an aunt, a true inspiration,

With a heart full of love and imagination.

She embraces life and all its quirkiness,

And always encourages us to be ourselves, without shyness.

An aunt, an eclectic soul,

With stories to be told.

She’s lived a life, full of surprise,

And embraces all that’s unique and wise.

The Cat

A cat, a feline friend,

With a purr that never ends.

A companion through the day,

A friend to chase the blues away.

With eyes that sparkle bright,

And a coat that’s soft and light.

This feline friend brings joy and cheer,

And is always here to lend an ear.

With a twitch of the tail,

And a meow that never fails.

This cat is a true companion,

With a love that knows no bound and one.

The owner, a lover of cats,

With a heart that’s full of love, no bats.

They provide a warm and cozy home,

And a loving heart to call their own.

Together, they share life’s ups and downs,

With a bond that will never be found.

A cat, a feline friend,

With a love that never ends.


A connoisseur of wine, a lover of the grape,

With a palette, refined and shaped.

He knows the notes of each and every sip,

And can distinguish, a Merlot from a Syrah with a dip.

He understands the terroir and the year,

And can tell the difference, between a vintage and a beer.

He savors the aroma and the taste,

And can tell the story, of each wine without a waste.

He knows the perfect pairing,

With a steak or a cheese, without airing.

He’s a student of the vine,

And can tell the history, of each bottle, line by line.

He’s a connoisseur of wine,

With a passion for the grape, that’s divine.

He’s a lover of the art,

And can appreciate the finer things, that’s smart.


A lesson in the art of creation,

A skill passed down with patience and dedication.

The hands of the teacher, guiding mine,

Showing me the steps, one at a time.

The clink of the tools, and the hum of the machine,

A symphony of sounds, that’s both routine and serene.

A dance of the hands, and a spark of the mind,

A creation takes shape, of a unique kind.

With each step, I learn and I grow,

And the finished product, is a work of art I’ll show.

I’m grateful for the guidance and the skill,

That’s been passed down, with care and will.

A lesson in the art of creation,

A skill passed down with patience and dedication.

Now it’s my turn to pass it on,

And teach others, how to create something that’s not gone.


A strict disciplinarian, a force to be reckoned,

With rules and consequences, that are not to be second-guessed.

A firm hand, that guides and controls,

With a voice that echoes, and never consoles.

The eyes that watch, and the ears that listen,

To every move, and every glisten.

A ruler of order, with a heart of stone,

A force to be respected, and never alone.

With a stern look, and a biting tongue,

A disciplinarian, is not to be fun.

A strict approach, that’s meant to shape,

And mold the young, into something great.

But behind the facade, there’s a heart that cares,

And a mind that’s always aware.

A strict disciplinarian, a force to be reckoned,

With a goal, to guide, and to protect, and to beckon.


Protected, by a force unseen,

Guided by love, and a heart serene.

A shield from harm, a safe haven,

A place where I can be myself, and not be shaken.

With a watchful eye, and a steady hand,

I am guarded, and I am grand.

With love and care, and a gentle touch,

I am protected, and I am loved so much.

Protected, by a force divine,

Guided by wisdom, and a love that’s mine.

A shield from danger, a sanctuary,

A place where I can be free, and not be wary.

With a loving heart, and an open mind,

I am protected, and I am kind.

With a sense of peace, and a sense of grace,

I am protected, in this sacred place.


Honesty, a virtue pure,

Brings trust and respect, for sure,

With integrity, we stand,

As an example, for all to understand.


Kindness, a virtue true,

Brings warmth and love, anew,

With compassion, we heal,

And make the world a better deal.


Patience, a virtue grand,

Brings peace and balance, in hand,

With understanding, we wait,

And make the journey, worth the fate.


Generosity, a virtue kind,

Brings joy and gratitude, to find,

With selflessness, we give,

And make a difference, as we live.


Gratitude, a virtue true,

Brings happiness and blessings, anew,

With appreciation, we see,

The beauty in life, for all to be.


Empathy, a virtue wise,

Brings understanding, to all our eyes,

With compassion, we feel,

And make a connection, that’s real.


Courage, a virtue brave,

Brings strength and determination, to pave,

With bravery, we face,

And make our dreams, a reality to trace.


Forgiveness, a virtue great,

Brings peace and healing, to our fate,

With understanding, we forgive,

And make a new start, to live.


Perseverance, a virtue strong,

Brings success and triumph, all along,

With determination, we strive,

And make our goals, come alive.


Humility, a virtue wise,

Brings wisdom and respect, to rise,

With humility, we learn,

And make our journey, a valuable turn.

Ode to Great Aunts

Great aunts, dear and kind,

With tales of days long left behind.

Elders of the family tree,

With wisdom and love for you and me.

Their laughter echoes through the years,

Their memories bring us to tears.

Their presence always warms the heart,

From them, love and guidance do start.

Great aunts, we admire your grace,

Your love and guidance we can’t replace.

You’ve lived a life full of rich tales,

And in our hearts, you’ll always prevail.

Through all the changes that life brings,

Great aunts, with you, our spirits sing.

With love and gratitude, we’ll stay,

Forever grateful for your kind way.


Love is a journey, not a destination,

With each step, our hearts find elation.

It’s the laughter and the tears,

That make our love so dear.


Love is a rose, with petals so soft,

Its beauty and fragrance, never to be scoffed.

It’s a treasure to be held,

And forever in our hearts, it’ll be dwelled.


Love is the light that guides us through the dark,

It’s the fire that ignites our hearts.

It’s the beauty of the world,

That an aunt helps unfurl.