24 Poems About Healing


Healing Heartbreak

Heartbreak is a heavy weight,

A burden that we all must bear.

But time, they say, will heal the wounds

And ease the pain we cannot share.

The road to healing is a long one,

Filled with tears and hurt and strife.

But if we keep on moving forward,

We’ll find a way to mend our life.

So let the tears fall from your eyes,

Let them flow and wash away

The hurt and pain that lingers still,

For a brighter tomorrow we’ll sway.

And though the journey may be rough,

And the road ahead may seem unclear,

We’ll find a way to heal our hearts,

And a love that’s true will soon be near

Healing By Yourself

Healing by yourself, it seems so hard,

Like trying to mend a broken heart.

But you know that you are strong enough

To weather any storm and carry on.

You don’t need anyone else to lean on,

You’ll find the strength within yourself.

You’ll stand up tall and face the world,

And put your shattered pieces on the shelf.

You’ll take each day one step at a time,

And slowly but surely, you’ll heal.

You’ll find a way to let go of the past,

And embrace the life that’s yet to be revealed.

So even though you’re all alone,

You know that you’ll find your way.

You’ll heal your heart and find your peace,

And live each day in a brighter way.

Playing Again

I once was lost, my body broken,

Unable to play, unable to move.

But now I stand, my strength regained,

My spirit ready, my resolve true.

For weeks and months I’ve worked and waited,

Endured the pain, the endless hours.

But now at last my time has come,

To take the field, to feel the power.

I stretch my muscles, feel them flex,

My heart beats fast, my breath comes quick.

I’m ready now, I’m ready to go,

To run and jump, to laugh and kick.

I take my place among my teammates,

My brothers in this noble game.

We’ll fight and sweat and give our all,

For victory, for honor, for fame.

So let the whistle blow, let the battle start,

I’ll give it all I have, with all my heart.

For this is why I play, this is why I live,

To feel the joy, the thrill, the rush of victory.

Healing Soul

The soul is a delicate thing,

Fragile and delicate as a bird on the wing.

It can be damaged, it can be torn,

Leaving us feeling lost and forlorn.

But even the deepest wounds can heal,

Given time and a chance to feel.

The love and light that surrounds us all,

Helping us rise and stand tall.

So if your soul is feeling heavy,

And you’re carrying a load so unsteady,

Remember that you are not alone,

And that healing can be your own.

Just reach out, open your heart,

And let the healing start.

Embrace the love that surrounds you,

And your soul will be made anew.

Healing From Abandonment

Abandonment cuts like a knife,

Leaving wounds that take a lifetime to heal.

It’s a pain that runs deep,

Making it hard to sleep.

But even in the darkest of times,

There is a glimmer of hope that shines.

A chance to pick up the pieces,

To find peace and release.

It’s a journey that won’t be easy,

But with time and patience, you’ll see.

That you are stronger than you know,

And that healing can be yours to show.

So don’t give up, don’t lose hope,

You have the strength to help you cope.

Just keep moving forward, day by day,

And soon the wounds will start to fray.

You are worthy of love and care,

And with time, you’ll find it there.

Just hold on, keep on trying,

And the pain of abandonment will start to be flying.


Healing from a broken heart

Is never easy, from the start

The pain is sharp, the wound is deep

But time and love, will help us heal, we’ll keep

The memories linger, like a ghost

But we must let them go, at any cost

Forgiveness is key, to move on and thrive

We must let go of anger, and learn to forgive

It’s not easy, to pick up the pieces

But with time and love, our hearts will cease

To ache and break, and we’ll find our way

To happiness, a brighter day

So hold on tight, and don’t lose faith

The healing process, is never easy, but it’s worth the wait

For one day, we’ll find love again

And our broken hearts, will heal and mend.


There once was a man who was feeling low

He had a broken heart, and didn’t know where to go

But with time and some rest

He mended his chest

And found love again, with a glow


A woman was feeling quite blue

Her heart was broken, and she didn’t know what to do

But she took time to heal

And learned to feel

And found love again, with someone new


A boy was feeling quite sad

His heart was broken, and he felt quite mad

But he took some time to heal

And learned to feel

And found love again, no longer sad.


The bone lay broken, shattered and small

But with time and care, it began to stand tall

The body mended, with a patient grace

And the bone was whole, in its rightful place

A testament to the body’s natural power

To heal and mend, hour by hour


The laceration lay open, raw and red

But with time and care, it began to mend

The skin knit together, with a careful touch

And the wound was closed, no longer much

A testament to the body’s natural grace

To heal and repair, in its own time and place


Healing from a mental disorder

Is a journey, long and harder

It takes time and patience, to find our way

To a brighter tomorrow, a brand new day

It’s not easy, to overcome the pain

To find the strength, to do it again

But with help and love, we can find our way

To healing and hope, a brighter day

We must fight the demons, that dwell within

And learn to love ourselves, for who we are within

It takes time and strength, to find the light

But it’s worth the fight, to heal and be alright

So hold on tight, and don’t lose faith

The journey to healing, is never easy, but it’s worth the wait

For one day, we’ll find peace within

And our wounds will heal, and we’ll begin again.

Start Again

There was a time, when I lost myself

I didn’t know who I was, or what I needed to do

I was lost in the darkness, alone and confused

But I found my way back, to the light, and to the truth

It wasn’t easy, to face the pain

To confront the demons, that kept me in chains

But I found the strength, to break free

And I recovered myself, and all that I could be

I found my voice, and I found my soul

I reclaimed my power, and made myself whole

I am not perfect, but I am me

And I am enough, as I am, I see

So if you ever feel lost, or alone

Just remember, you are not on your own

You have the strength, and the courage within

To recover yourself, and start again.

I’m Sorry

Saying “I’m sorry” can be hard to do

It takes courage and strength, to admit that we’re wrong

But it’s an important step, on the road to healing

For both ourselves and others, our love and our bond

It’s not easy, to face the guilt and the shame

But it’s the first step, to fixing the blame

For when we apologize, we take responsibility

And we open the door, to forgiveness and possibility

So don’t be afraid, to say “I’m sorry”

It takes courage and strength, to admit we’re wrong

But it’s a powerful act, that can heal the heart

And bring us closer, to where we belong.


I am wounded, broken and scarred

But I am still standing, despite the cards

That life has dealt me, the wounds I’ve sustained

I am still here, despite the pain

I am not perfect, but I am strong

I have survived, and I’ve come along

Wiser and stronger, for all I’ve been through

I am a survivor, and I am new

I may have wounds, that will never heal

But they are a part of me, and they are real

They are a testament, to all I’ve survived

And they are a reminder, to keep on alive

So don’t underestimate, the strength within

We are all wounded, in some way or kin

But we are survivors, and we will thrive

We are stronger, than any wound we’ve incurred in our life.


Mended heart, once broken

Now whole again, love has spoken

Healing has come


Wounded soul, healing slow

But every day, I let go

Of the pain within


Broken pieces, mending

Healing takes time, understanding

But worth the wait


Lacerations, scar

But they are a part of who we are

Our strength within


Mental wounds, deep

But with love and care, we will sleep

Soundly again


Healing journey, long

But with support, we will belong

To ourselves again


Wounds may never heal

But they are a part of our story, to reveal

Our strength and resilience.

Ode to Healing

Oh, healing, how sweet thy name

For thou bringest hope, and thou doth tame

The wounds and scars, that dwell within

And thou helpest us, to start anew again

Thou art a journey, long and hard

But with time and love, thou dost not bard

Our path to recovery, and to find our way

To a brighter tomorrow, a brand new day

Thou art a gift, a blessing in disguise

For thou helpest us, to open our eyes

To the strength within, and the courage to fight

And to heal, and to be whole, with all our might

So here’s to healing, sweet and true

May it bring us hope, and see us through

The darkest of days, and the toughest of fights

And guide us to a future, full of light.

Ode  To Recovering Sleep

Oh, sleep, how sweet thy rest

Thou bringest peace, and thou doth best

The tired and weary, with thy gentle embrace

And thou helpest us, to find a better place

Thou art a haven, a refuge from the day

Thou helpest us, to rest and to play

In the realms of dreams, and to let go

Of the worries and stresses, that weigh us down so

Thou art a blessing, a gift beyond measure

Thou helpest us, to find joy and pleasure

In the simple things, and to wake anew

Refreshed and restored, and ready to pursue

So here’s to sleep, sweet and true

May it bring us peace, and see us through

The busiest of days, and the longest of nights

And guide us to a future, full of light.